Mrs Mulch !?!.. It's show weekend...

 Hello m' cheese crackers,

It's the Falmouth Spring Flower Show this weekend - the first since 2019. As defending champ in just one sole category, this is not something I've been taking lightly! Should any of my competitors be reading, I am keeping schtum on my entry. In fact, if this were a late summer show, I would be dousing my giant vegetables with holy water and employing the protection of Wallace and Gromit's 'Anti-Pesto' services. Being a spring show though, there will instead be daffodils, camellias and lots of springy sprigs.

The 112th Falmouth Spring Flower Show 2022 @ Princess Pavillion

                          Saturday 26th March 10am - 5pm | Sunday 27th March 10am - 4pm 


After dropping our family entry form off at the Moor library last week, I popped into Falmouth Art Gallery upstairs, and was thrilled to see original Wallace and Gromit models on show as part of the current animation exhibition -

'The Curse of the Were-Rabbit', Aardman Animations, 2005.
On the gallery floor: a stop frame story sequence for a scene where the Anti-Pesto Team come to capture a bunny that has been eating garden veg.

On the walls: A selection of design and development sketches for the film.


If you haven't seen the film, here's a little taster. There's always some extra passing detail that tickles me each time I watch it - such as the SMEG looking fridge with the alternate logo 'SMUG' on the front, or finding out that the posh Tottington's Family motto "Liber Stercus Pro Totus" is pigeon latin for "Manure Liberates Us All".


Some little jobs that I have been getting on with this past week or so -

The Hippeastrums (/Amaryllis) were looking very sorry for themselves, so I tidied and re-potted them. One of them had a couple of bulblet babies!

Experiments germinating seeds older than five years, in wet kitchen towel lined tupperware. I am hoping they can be used for edible micro-greens: fennel, mint, borage, lemon basil, watermelon, broccoli.


Looking after my little veggie seedlings adorning the window ledges and greenhouse (look at Cherie's magic beanstalks go!) -

Some daffodil sowings, using seed from the Alpine Garden Society Seed Swap  (Narcissus - 'Bobbysoxer', Cantabricus, 'Columba' & Cyclamineus) -


Here follow some joyous spring sights from recent outings -

Magnolias in bloom at Glendurgan Garden, Mawnan.

Temple Magnolia (above) and Sargent's Magnolia (below)

 - just ignore the terrifying Maze !!!

One for the Band Stand Appreciation Society (Vix , Claire and open to all)...

Victoria Gardens, Truro
Bandstand surrounded with the heady scent of hyacinths -

Colourful beds of Bellis perennis 'Spring Star' -

Tremough Walled Garden, Penryn -

Hellebores and daffodils by the apple orchard.

Magnolia flowers against a blue sky.

Rhododendrons peeking over the wall.

Tremough's beautiful walled garden is looked after by the FX Plus garden team. It is shared by Falmouth Univesity and the University of Exeter, but also open to the public.

(There is usually a fierce contest between FX Plus and Cornwall council's CORMAC garden team at the Spring Flower Show!)

I hope that you are keeping well. 

For various reasons I am terribly behind on blog reading, which I intend to remedy this weekend, in between the show excitement!

Lulu xXx


p.s. Monsieur has been busy again making music and videos -

Thank you for visiting!

Most recent posts can be found here -


  1. Now then me little Cornish clotted cream ice cream. If there's a treasure trove or a golden goose at the top of that bean stalk I want to see a photo of you climbing down with your arms filled with goodies. I loved that music video... particularly the video.

    1. Oh and I almost forgot... good luck with your show entry. x

    2. Golden goose coming your way Cherie! Monsieur does love his fractals. Thanks for the good luck, results to be revealed in next post.... xXx

    3. My son loved mucking about creating fractals a few years ago. He made some gorgeous ones.

    4. Monsieur tells me he used an App called 'Frax' to make them (edited in AfterEffects / Premier afterwards)- and something about the importance of finding the peaks and the troughs, which went over my head :0 x

  2. Hello Mrs Flower-show-stopper (took me ages to think that one up) .... didn't know Monsieur was a musician - (the bass guitarist is good - is that him? or the silky voice?) (I have a bass guitarist brother and a drumming brother and myself as yet no skills at all.... what happened there? we could have been the next Osmonds)... I wish you luck at the Falmouth flower show - hope you win prizes and make lots of like-minded friends. I just booted my half dead looking amaryllis bulb out into the frosty garden, didn't know it could come back to life - will immediately give first aid. I love Wallace and Gromit and hadn't seen that film, it's so funny (24 carat gold bullet to kill The Beast - love it!). Good luck again with the show, Betty x

    1. Thanks for coming up with that 'un Betty :) Monsieur's done a 'Prince' and played every instrument, separately I should add. Like Prince (RIP), he is strangely good at ping-pong too! He does play with a band but they live all over the country / world :0 I remember you mentioning your musician brothers... I thought you were going to take up the spoons ?!? Amaryllis do come back with some TLC, but most people don't bother to keep them, as they don't do anything exciting for large portions of the year :0 Glad you liked the Were-rabbit clip xXx

  3. Cracking post, Lulu! (See what I did there?!) I would have loved to see the animation exhibition - Wallace and Gromit always make me laugh and you're right, each time you watch, you see more little details. Some beautiful Spring photos and your plants are looking great. Glendurgan was one garden I didn't manage to visit - perhaps one day...
    Good luck with the show!
    Best wihes

    1. I cheese and cracking do get it Ellie :) Very good ;) Results are in - to be revealed in next post. If you do ever make it to Glendurgan, don't go into the Maze without a walkie talkie, flare gun, swiss army knife and a good stash of food and water! xXx

  4. 'Ow am ya, me babbie? Lord Jon loved Monsieur's track, he says his vocals have a wonderful tone and that he's liking the early 90s grunge vibe (he's had Alice in Chains on constantly this week).
    Glorious photos especially the bandstand. I'm so glad you called that maze terrifying, I could feel myself getting a bit panicky looking at the photo - there's something really scary about them.
    Hasn't the weather been stunning? I've been out tidying up every day this week, getting excited about plants I'd forgotten about and the green shoots of bulbs I planted at the back end of last year.
    I've never seen a whole Wallace and Grommit film although the snippets always make me giggle.
    Wishing you loads of luck with your competition entry! xxx

    1. Monsieur loves Alice in Chains (as do I) and is super chuffed that Jon loved it!!! I refuse to go into the maze - once is enough :0 Why would someone see this as a fun activity?!?!?!?! Why?!? Glad you like the bandstand - much more relaxing. I've had a good tidying sesh out in the garden this afternoon - it has been so sunny and lovely. Gotta love Wallace and Grommit :) Thanks for the luck xXx

  5. all fingers and paws are crossed for you at the flower show!!!
    go girl!
    thanks for all the glorious spring photos and the music - so much talent in this family. your gardening looks always so neat and organised..... i should take an example .
    wonderful weekend! xxxx

    1. Thanks Beate :) :) :) What you are not seeing quite often in the gardening photos are the naughty corners (e.g. behind the greenhouse - the garden equivalent of under the sink!)

  6. Ooh, how excited! Good luck with your show entry, Lulu, I'm sure you'll smash your fellow competitors.
    The Wallace & Gromit exhibition looks fantastic. I haven't seen this particular film but I'm with you on the attention to detail.
    Gorgeous Spring photos, and I'm very impressed with the video. He's very talented, your Monsieur! xxx

    1. Thank you Ann :) It was a very exciting weekend - I know how to rock n' roll ;) I have to admit, I was a little star struck seeing the real Wallace & Gromit models. He's alright that Monsieur xXx

  7. Best of luck with your entry in the flower show, I hope you can defend your title. I would be hopeless at a flower festival I don't seem to be very good at growing flowers at all. I really must get my seeds out and have a look at them, I still haven't done that job let alone sow any seeds! I didn't sow any last year so I must not let that happen again.

    1. There are foliage categories too ;) Oooh, get them seeds out, they want to grow! I always seem to have too many seeds and not enough window ledges :0 Thanks SM xXx

  8. Always lovely to see your garden projects. Good luck with the show and everything.
    Fingers crossed you'll defend your title and be a champ again. :)
    The magnolia tree is a beauty and to me the maze looks more fascinating then terrifying, at least on the photograph. Maybe in person it is more scary?
    Nice art and sketches for the film (haven't seen it myself). It's always interesting to see that sort of things.

    1. Thanks Ivana, very kind of you :) You are obviously braver than I. I've always been scared of mazes - maybe I've watched too many films where things go wrong in them - Labyrinth, The Shining, Harry Potter Goblet of Fire, Maze Runner, Inception... the 'Wide Awake' music video by Katie Perry ;) It was great to see the ideas sketches for the film xXx

    2. Yes, you might be right. The Goblet of Fire is really the only one I saw where the maze is scary. I haven't seen the others.

  9. Wonderful pics. That is a good idea of germinating seeds. I tried it and was successful with Orange and Lime seeds.

    1. Thanks Haddock :) About 1/3 of those seeds have germinated now - not bad as some must be about 8 years old! Oooh, how nice to be growing oranges and lime from seed xXx

  10. Enjoyed the read and the photos, gosh the post had the lot, lovely flowers of course plus Wallace & Gromit and some music. Hope you will have some good news to tell us about your flower show entries. All good wishes.

    1. Thank you Mike :) It's a rambling pick n' mix! I do have news ..... to be revealed.
      Hope you are having a lovely week xXx

  11. I hope you did well at the flower show!

    Gotta love Wallace & Gromit! :)

    1. Thank you Nikki :) Great to hear you love Wallace & Gromit too xXx

  12. We've watched all of the Wallace & Grommet films + Shaun the Sheep over the years with a succession of grandkids. We have them on our TV hard drive but they've outgrown them now. We still watch them occasionally though!!
    Good luck at the show. 😊 🐕

    1. Thanks David :) Good to hear you secretly put the Wallace and Gromit films on ;) I don't think I'll ever outgrow them, they're so good! xXx

  13. Hi Lulu, I must be losing it. I could have sworn I had already left a comment on your blog (I could even pretty much recite it word for word). Clearly it was all in my head! My apologies for the late comment. Thank you very much for the sunny bandstand photo - it's a stunner! I love Wallace and Gromit! A few years ago we saw a lovely little Wallace and Gromit exhibition at the M Shed in Bristol. It's hard to believe how painstaking the work was to create those early episodes. Your spring photos are a delight and that maze looks challenging. I'm intrigued by your out of date seeds experiment but I have a feeling it will come good for you. I hope that by now, you are sitting, clutching your gleaming trophy! Monsieur is very talented - does he gig regularly or is this a private passion? xxx

  14. Hello m' fellow band stand appreciator, don't worry Claire, blogger does funny things sometimes. Good to hear you got to meet Wallace and Gromit. I wonder if you were also star struck?! Some of the very old seeds are indeed sprouting! Monsieur used to be a gigging and touring musician years ago, but now he mostly stays in his bat cave. Occasionally he meets up with his old band mates, who live all over. I have just posted an update on the awards ceremony ;) -

    Lulu xXx


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