October - Zoltar has spoken

Hello m' puny pumpkins, Well I think we're long due a catchup aren't we!?! Family health (of the ultra rare variety) and a sticky trap work situation have made for the toughest summer of my life. The garden simply hasn't been able to console me on this occasion. At least going through the motions have provided fresh air and exercise. This past week has been lovely though. My littlest's child played in her first brass band concert, which was followed with the finest tea & home made cake. As per usual, it rained on Bonfire night, but we got a good view of the fireworks from the back window. Yesterday I had a giggly road trip with my girls - details to be shared in my next post. I also finally started my new job. For the first time in months I am feeling relaxed. The autumn mists have restored a calm, 'can do' attitude. As I've been away from Blogland for a bit, I'll try to keep this post short. I'd very much like to catch up on s...