Seize the May ~ the garden wilds up ~

 Hello m' chucky chives,  


With allotment duties in full swing, you may be wondering if the garden is receiving the same wanton neglect as my eyebrows?... The answer, in yes... but it doesn't seem to mind.

Long Mizzle garden in May

When we moved in over eleven years ago, the garden was wildly overgrown, 'lost' and magical. A lot had to be cleared for practicality - mainly the monstrous leylandi hedging, but also the wild brambles, nettles and creeping buttercup.

 Self seeded Foxgloves and Sweet Williams

Now the new hedging has grown up and matured, the once veggie beds and cut flower beds are again partially shaded. This had led to a garden re-think. For now, nature can do what it does best.

Please ignore the non-colour coordinated towels, drying from this morning's sea swim with the kiddies.

My new battery powered strimmer (intended for the grass paths at the allotment) saves the day in the garden, by clearing a safe path through the wilderness of ferns, thistles and buttercups.

The Gunnera manicata, given to me by my gardening guru neighbour, is tamed in an old blue recycling tub, for now, until I decide where it will go.

Self seeded Verbena bonariensis, the ones that were whipping me in the face by the washing line last year, have been relocated to the outer wild edges.

 And down in the hot, stony pit?

Surely room for some future alpines? -
amonst the chives, strawberries, alchillea, succulents and sea thrift ?

One cleared bed, used for french beans last year.

Will possibly plant with chives and spring onions, as you can never have enough of these for cooking in the kitchen...

So that is how the garden is looking this fine May day. I have started up an 'Allotment Loving' playlist on YouTubey for those endeavours.

Hope you are keeping well. Please send news via courier pigeon!

Lulu xXx

Thank you for visiting!

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  1. Dear Lulu
    I hope all the seed sowing is successful - it should be a riot of colour. It must be so lovely to have that extra space now. I look forward to seeing what you do with the garden too - it is always exciting to add new things or change existing ones. I have just planted a division of a herbaceous clematis and am waiting to see if it will like its new home. Fingers crossed!
    Happy gardening!
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks Ellie :) I'll be happy if just 1/3 of them grow ok! Hope the clematis settles in well x

  2. Thank you for this tour around your gardens, such lovely photos. I really liked the self seeded Foxgloves, also the video. I've been viewing some of your videos on YouTube
    The weather up here on the east coast has been disappointing, even on recent days when most areas have enjoyed a few days of sunshine we get sea frets that extend a mile or so inland that means little sun and cool temperatures. On the plus side we don't get bad frosts and it's quite a few years since we've had more than a sprinkling of snow. David.

    1. Thanks David :) The beautiful foxgloves are always very welcome in the garden, though I didn't realise until my neighbour told me - they are toxic to dogs! Hope you have been getting some of this warm dry weather lately. Of course I am fed up with it already, as it means more watering duties! Take care x

  3. Nature appears to be doing a rather lovely job. Xx

    1. Thanks Jules, she can do her thing! Hope you are well x

  4. I love the child's vision close-ups and I'm desperate to know what's on your "Allotment Loving" playlist! Fingers crossed for the 2015 lupins. I have every faith!
    Your garden may have been tidied up, but it retains that magical vibe, which is a vital ingredient of any garden, in my humble opinion.
    I wish it would stop raining long enough for me to make real progress in ours this year. xxx

    1. Child vision is a weird, stroby thing! The allotment loving playlist may disappoint if you were expecting banging tunes - it is just a complication of allotment pottering videos :0 But there are a couple of music playlists on the channel too :) Hope you are well Claire. Hope to be doing a bloggy catchup pronto soonish... x

  5. Loved your video and am looking forward to seeing all the lovely things you'll grow on that Allotment

  6. I always have garden envy after seeing a post from you, Lulu. Our wilderness isn't half as colourful as yours! We're plagued with that creeping buttercup as well. Do share that allotment playlist. Liking this for inspo:

    1. I did banish the buttercup at one point, but it is so pretty I have let it back in :) Just had a look at that link - of course Frank Zappa did a song title with 'vegetable' in it!!! but I am surprised the Beach Boys did! I'm afraid that playlist of mine has no music :0 Just videos. Hope you are keeping well Vix x

  7. What, no colour coordinated washing? What is the world coming to?
    Your garden is looking magical as always! We are letting nature do what it does best too, which means Dove Cottage's garden is more of a wilderness than ever. And there I was thinking I'd have more time once I started working a day less ...
    Intrigued about your allotment playlist! xxx P.S. Courier pigeon on way :-)

    1. I know darling, standards are really terribly slipping! Must be more coordinated!!! Everyone needs a little bit of wilderness. I trust you are enjoying your new day off each week. Thanks for the courier pigeon Ann :) x

  8. a bit of neglect suits long mizzle! :-D
    gorgeous little flowers and i love all the palm trees......
    BWH garden turns into a jungle in the very moment - it rains like mad bit it´s still warm - if the sund comes out again i will need a machete.
    i actually had the chance to send you a courier pigeon! last week a pretty one took a rest in the garden - first i thought it was injured and catched her to have a close look - but all was ok and i showed her the bird bath for a drink - recommended by the pigeon club website :-D boy was she thirsty!

    1. Oh yes, I can picture you with a head scarf on, brandishing a machete Beate! It would be lovely to keep homing pigeons. Very much a 'northern' thing here in the UK (like ferret ownership). I don't I know anyone in these Cornish part that keeps pigeons. I've seen plenty of Dove house about though. Hope you are well. Will be over to nosey soon.... x

  9. How lovely your allotment is - it's massive! I love the way your daughter waters, I must try that - but will I get dizzy? You inspired me to get some flower seeds into my plot :) I think you are going to have a lot of fun. I am doing a monthly video too - I look forward to seeing yours regularly :) Betty x

    1. Yes it is a very unusual watering technique Betty called 'the spina-rooney-slop-slop'. Perhaps not the most effective in terms of water preservation, but certainly quite stylish and good fun, especially when done with some panache! Will hunt down your allotment videos... x

  10. Dear Lulu,
    Hope you are well. It's so long since you blogged. I hope you will return soon!x

  11. my promised allotment videos haven't happened, I must make it a New Year resolution, my allotment is asleep at the moment and doesn't want to be disturbed, but all the plot holders still have our thursday booze up in the shelter we made, pizza oven and chiminea on the go, plotting our 2025 plantings. I hope you have a lot of fun with yours and just popped by to wish you a Happy New Year 2025! Betty

  12. Long time you last posted this Lulu, hope all is well with you. Don't know if you will get a notification we are commenting. Take care, David & Popcorn. 😊

  13. Just checking in that Long Mizzle is still alive and well and you haven't fallen down a rabbit hole on your allotment and ended up in a parallel world? Spring is springing and we should be planting tatties now (mine go in on the full moon night, 1st earlies so that will be this weekend). No idea if it makes any difference but it makes a magical ritual of a boring event, planting by torchlight, I might even play music and leave an offering for the gods (foxes, badges, robins?) Betty x


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