Spring comes early in Cornwall

Hello m' chirpy cheeps, As usually happens after a half-term holiday, I've been busy with so many adventures with the children, I don't know where to start. For today's post I shall keep it simple with some pictures of the mid-February garden and a little cuppa update. This is the place that calms and grounds me after an exciting week... It really is a beautiful time of year. The mornings are filled with bird song and cups of tea. As the sun rises more and more daffodils and crocus emerge from the spongy, damp earth. Four out of my five Camellias are now in full bloom. The neighbours' gardens are full of colour too - Just beyond the purple broccoli patch, my carbooty camellia is growing up well - Tulips emerging beneath the hurdle over apple tree - The mid level path has been refreshed with new wood chip. The wood chip bags had been sat for a while under the chopped down holly tree. Look at this interesting fungi that I...