Goodbye exams, hold on February!

 Hold on February, I forgot to say hello!

Early spring  Long Mizzle Garden

Camellia morning over Long Mizzle.

Cornish Camellia morning

Please cue the confetti cannons as I saunter in to the room nonchalantly in my silk housecoat... arms stretched out in a operatic way...THE EXAMS ARE OVER! I sat my last two RHS horticulture theory exams during the week at Duchy College Rosewarne. That's eight exams done and dusted, and I don't want to see another one any time soon! Time to be a lady of leisure, even just for one day.

Long Mizzle garden February

After a night of binge watching 'Canal Boat Diaries', along with copious amounts of tea, I bundled the kids off to school the next morning and waited for my folks to pick me up en route to Redruth town and Portreath for lunch.

*Canal Boat Diaries on BBC iPlayer: Recommended for lovers of canal boats, locks, impossibly low and long tunnels, viaducts, aqueducts, Midland and industrial North adventures *

Redruth boot sculpture

Above: 'Tinners Hounds' made from boots found at Geevor Mine, by artist David Kemp.

Redruth is a no nonsense kind of town. There were only three town bench 'philosophers' on the day I visited.  It has six or so charity shops, perfect for a chazza crawl. I don't know whether the cash generator store being closed was a good or bad sign.

Regal Cinema Redruth

 Regal Cinema

The staff in the first charity shop were struggling with an old battered radio. They said all the previous ones had been stolen. I said, "give it 'ere, I'll take a look". Within a couple of minutes I'd given it an electrical visual inspection, fixed the aerial, found a sweet spot in the rickety volume pot and tuned it into the requested Pirate FM.

Redruth Charity Shopping
Just one of Redruth's many charity shops - not the one needing radio assistance.

Of course I didn't tell them I used to be a radio engineer. It's often more fun saying "I read something about this in Women's Weekly, in between the 'diet-yesterday-not-tomorrow' and 'hot celebrities do hot celebrity gossip' sections".  It is even more fun when I have to pull out my trusty Weller soldering iron. Then I claim to have learnt to solder from an informative article - 'Think you have a grip of your hair straighteners?...well there's a new iron in town' .

Redruth mosaic by Wilkos

Redruth listed buildings
Above: Grade II Listed  - 9 & 10 Fore Street (left) and the old National Westminster Bank (right)
Redruth high street

Redruth has some incredible historic buildings, built in an era when the town was still bustling rich from the copper and tin mining industry. One set of bricks I'm particularly fond of is the Old Steam Bakery off Fore Street - now a vintage clothes shop (Daisy Rain Vintage), still complete with original bread oven and steep wooden steps.

Old Steam Bakery Redruth

ceiling parosols

Old bakery wooden stairs

The unusual building below, shaped like a wedge of cheese, is tucked between Fore Street (behind Jim's Department Store) and the railway station on Station Road.  I've never noticed it before -

Interesting old building in Redruth

Having searched for information online, I couldn't spot it earmarked as part of the multi-million pound renovation of Redruth. I can only presume it is a private venture.

Can anyone shed any light on the above building's original use?
The mystery wedge building backs on to The Redruth Centre on Station Road -

Redruth mystery building
Onwards to Portreath to Old Penny's Vintage Tea Room for lunch: amazing butternut squash, curry and spinach pie, followed by a mutant slice of their famous double layer Victoria sponge cake. Plus TWO pots of tea to wash it all down. Delicious!
(Photo nabbed from their Facebook page here - I was far too busy eating!)
Best Victoria Sponge Cake
The joy of Olde Penny's is that there is also a vintage shop!
Swan and sea paintings

Olde Penny's vintage shop

Outside is the relatively new Upcycle Kernow, running upcycling workshops and taking deposit of Terracyle items (typically hard to recycle items not accepted by local councils, such as crisp packets, tooth brushes, marigold gloves).

Upcycle Kernow Portreath

So that was my day of leisurely pursuits. 
With he daffodils and Camellias blooming in Cornwall, it really feels like spring is starting to spring. Here commences the great seed sowing season. All the house window ledges have been cleaned and cleared in anticipation of all those promising pots of mud. 
 I am happy to have taken receipt of 23 packets from The Alpine Garden Society's annual seed swap...
Alpine Garden Society Seed Swap

Things will get busy, after more tea.

What's the gossip in your part of the world?

Lulu xXx

Thank you for visiting!

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  1. Well done on completing your exams. That must be a huge relief. X

    1. Thank you Jules m' luverly, massive relief! xXx

  2. Well done you clever girl. Do you have plans to set up your own plant nursery/tearoom. We'll all be driving down to Cornwall for a pot of tea and an overpriced plant. Can I come work for you...I'll take lots of cuttings that I've stolen from peoples gardens all the way down the country.:-) Just making a start on making my seed list for our seed swap. Still not got around to it cos I'm a lazy so and so.

    1. Cherie, now that's a plan!!! Of course you can join 'Pit Enterprises':) Imagine the amount of cuttings that you could take whilst driving down country, all the time I've got m' baking apron on and a big pot of tea on the go! (Incidentally Olde Penny's business is up for sale, due to retirement, but I'm not a very good baker). I need to email you.... xXx

  3. What a lovey post. Well done getting through all those exams - what are you going to do with all that knowledge/qualification? were you really a radio engineer? I need to know more. That Olde Penneys vintage shop looks worth a visit. Your camelia garden is beautiful. Hope you enjoy playing with all those Alpine seeds.

    1. Thank you Betty :) The knowledge will sit in the old bonce for now, and occasionally used to bore my younger, cooler work colleagues. I did indeed work in radio, and TV too, on the engineering side, for ten years or so. A lot of stories there. Perhaps I should share a couple in a post. Sending you a virtual camellia flower xXx

  4. Dear Lulu
    You are obviously a person of many talents - gardening and radio engineering being just two! That cake looks amazing and is making me feel hungry!
    Your camellias are beautiful too. With all those lovely seeds, i bet your garden will look a picture in summer.
    Congrats on finishing all those pesky exams.
    Have a happy week
    Best wishes

    1. Hello Ellie, oh that cake is a delicious beast! It defeated me and I had to bring some back home. Thank you for the congrats. I'm certainly going to have fun with all those seeds. Hope you are having a good week. I'm sure I'll be over soon to see... Lulu xXx

  5. congrats to getting all those exams done!!
    and now i imagine how you´r - in a lush silk kaftan - wandering around redruth in the mild breeze of cornwall........
    .....while we have bare frosts of -5°C :-D
    not complaining - just hoping some pests get killed.
    lovely trip around the chazzas and the lunch sound delicious - but wht did you buy?
    i should plan a visit to the - housed in of course - famous camellias in the neighborhood.......
    much love! xxxx
    ps: ordered a huge foil tent for the garden.......

    1. Hello Beate, thank you m' pumpkin. Oooh, that's chilly, is that what the huge foil tent is for? - protecting your plants? Can you believe after that big chazza trawl, the only thing I brought are some of those re-usable packets so I can make quick melted cheese toasties in the toaster. I did spot a wonderful 'Little House on the Prairie' style skirt (handmade in thick cotton / linen) that had a waistband far too tiny for me. I am thinking I was silly now not to buy it and stick it on eBay as 'Cottagecore' is all the rage apparently. Stay warm xXx

    2. cottagecore? is it something like datcha style??
      yes - the tent should protecting the plants - in the way that i can start planting out in april - not in the end of may! ... we often get light frost until then. hoping i can harvest more in an elongated season....

    3. Just looked up Datcha style - looks a bit similar Beate. They call in 'hugge' and 'friluftsliv' in Scandinavia. Claire (Winter Peach Photography) mentioned 'Cottagecore' in a post last year. It apparently sprung up in 2020 fueled by the lockdowns and imposed slow living - think old English rose gardens and Anne of Greengables. Laura Ashley cotton prairie style dresses were suddenly back in vogue - if my mam had kept all her dresses she'd be sitting on a fortune!!! It is possibly not a thing any more. I'm not very 'with it'. My motto: better to be never in fashion than out of fashion.

      Here's to an extended grow season (raising my cup of tea) x

  6. Hi Lulu, Good to have you back! A big congratulations on completing your exams. I'm sure you've "smashed it out of the park" as folks like to say now. "Camelia Morning" - aside from being a brilliant title for something - is a wonderful photo, bursting with optimism. I say this, as I sit with the laptop by the window up here in the Midlands, looking out at driving rain . I had to laugh at your creative explanations for your electronics knowledge. Very impressive. I love the bread oven and the Tinners Hounds sculpture...and vintage merch and cake has to be the perfect combination! Keep us posted on the wedge shape building if you ever receive any information on it. It's frustrating when t'internet doesn't deliver! I have to say, Cornwall seems to be very forward thinking with its recycling centres and the repair cafe you mentioned recently; both brilliant initiatives. Enjoy your day of leisure in that silk housecoat. I think you deserve a glass of champers (in a vintage champagne glass naturally) in order to hold court later, sharing your horticultural wisdom with anyone in earshot! xxx

    1. Thank you Claire ;) The 'smashed it' phrase made me laugh, I remember my midwife saying that to me when I had my littlest kid at hospital. I said she made me feel like I was on Ninja Warrior! Oh dear, it is a soggy camellia morning, no gardening for me today. The wedge shaped building really has me intrigued... I am on to it like Miss Marple and will share all that I find. The repair and recycling initiatives are fab aren't they! The less landfill the better. Champagne!!! It's Bucks Piss for me darling in an old scratched glass, while I enunciate latin plant names ;) xXx

  7. I agree with Claire, you should be quaffing champers in your silk housecoat and, if you're double-jointed, patting yourself on the back for being so clever.
    Long Mizzle looks ravishing and I'd love a rummage around Redruth. The ceiling mounted parasols are so pretty and I'm drolling over the butternut squash pie! xxx

    1. PS Jon is obsessed with Canal Boat Diaries! xxx

    2. Thanks Vix :) Double jointed! I fear not :0 Oh yes, it'd be great if you came along for a rummage and a butternut squash, curry and spinach pie. I wonder if Jon's aware that there is also a Canal Boat Diaries channel on YouTube? xXx

  8. Having done said exams I know how you feel, here's to the results!
    And you are a lady of hidden talents! Radio engineer, what a super power to have at your beck and call! ha ha ha 🦸

    1. Bless ya Kate (you know my pain then!) . I am a multi-skill-less kind of lass ;) xXx

  9. Well done on finishing your exams and I think confetti and a silk housecoat are the perfect way to celebrate your freedom :-)
    Love the Camellias, and oh my, what a view you've got from your garden!
    Radio engineer: you definitely are a girl of many talents.
    Loving the Tinners Hounds, and I wouldn't mind having a browse in that vintage shop. Nor would I decline a slice of that double layer Victoria sponge!
    The Canal Boat Diaries sounds right up my street. Unfortunately the iPlayer isn't available here in Belgium ... xxx

    1. Yah Ann, I got the servants to clean up the blasted confetti. Eh, I have just discovered there is a Canal Boat Diaries YouTube channel - and although it is not the programme as aired on the BBC, it does appear to have lots of adventures from Robbie Cumming on it -

      Sending you a virtual slice of Victoria Sponge xXx

      p.s. hope Storm Eunice isn't too hard on you in Belgium, she passed over us yesterday

  10. Many congratulations on completing the exams, that was a lot you have taken, I am not surprised you are glad that they are over. I love that sculpture, so clever! You used to be a radio engineer? I love how you casually throw that in, is there no end to your talents. Your photos are as always a feast for the eyes and make me want to visit those hidden corners of your beautiful county even more. Enjoy your week x

    1. Arh, thanks m' dear. I do have a mush-n'-grumble about the study, but it is indeed a marvelous feeling when the exams are over. The hound boots are very cheeky, I should have got a photo from the other side too. I did do stints in radio and 'the dark side' (TV). The engineering was hard work, but great fun. Hope you are having a good week. Lulu xXx

  11. Once an engineer... Good work in the charity shop. And yes, Lu is indeed a qualified Broadcast Engineer.

    Lovely story.

    1. It's amazing what you can learn from 'Womens Weekly'

    2. Thank you for endorsing my CV there Martin ;) Do you know, there may be soldering tutorials in Women's Weekly for all I know. I've only ever glanced at the magazine whilst waiting at the dentists!!! xXx

  12. What a perfect Camellia morning and many congrats on finishing your exams. An entertaining post as always. You found so much more of interest on your Redruth visit than I ever have - mind you I've only been once in the last 10 years. All good wishes.

    1. Thanks Mike :) Oh Redruth is well worth a stop off if you're passing through. It's not at all touristy, and a little rough around the edges, but it is interesting. There's also the Old Buttermarket, and a wonderful derelict firestation near St Ruman's Garden (set in the ruins of an old 13th C Druids Hall) that I failed to photograph on this visit! xXx

  13. Bravo on the Horticultural exams!!! My friend Lara recently did those so I know how much work there is and how many Latin genus names you had to learn!!!
    Alright, TAUNT me with the Penny's Vintage photos after I failed to go there! THAT CAKE!!!!!
    Your seed swap is a bit exciting!!! Can't wait to see how they progress!!!
    I DEMAND PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE OF quaffing drinks in silk housecoats!! (SORRY about the capitals- sounded FAR more bossy than intended!!!😁

    1. Thanks Kezzie :) Thankfully there wasn't too much latin to learn on this one, but the last round of exams was crazy for it!!! Then after all the endless lists, the exam paper only required a couple of names :0 THE CAKE WAS AMMMMMAAAAAAZZZZZING (capitals back at you, in an excited, not at all angry way) AND THE PIE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm afraid the drinks evidence has since been quaffed Miss Marple ;) But the silk house coat still exists :) xXx

  14. I like the pictures from charity shops, those places and antique (junk) shops are a goldmine for photography. You'll be feeling happy after completing your exams.

    1. Thank you David :) I asked permission to take a picture of the steep wooden steps, just in case they thought I was on some insurance scam / tumble stunt rouse! Gotta love a junk shop for piccies x


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