Comfort Blanket

 Hello m' hot chocolates with marshmallows on the top,

With the wintry frosts here, I have been taking comfort in granny blankets, good conversation, delicious food and early nights. Autumn with all its sweet nostalgia often passes too quickly. Before I immerse myself fully in the stark wintertide, let me share with your some recent bits n' bobs.

Cornish Chough applique

A visit to Helston's Museum of Cornish Life to see Grayson Perry's eight meter long 'Comfort Blanket'. Perry described it as "a portrait of Britain to wrap yourself up in, a giant banknote, things we love , and things we love to hate"


On the plus I could spot listed a nice cuppa tea, yorkshire pudding and curry. 

On the negative (debatable) morris dancing, moaning and white van drivers.


An endearing photo (c.1910) showing the comfort of tea and a good natter with old friends -


What do you like to collect? 

The late Mr John Brock of Coverack had a very fine collection of Black Tin.

Getting 'old school' in the mocked up classroom -

 Who were you crushing on in 1986?


Know your bristles kids! 

In the musical instruments cabinet - a rare Ophicleide - a giant serpent like brass bugle. It never took off as it was tricky to play and was trumped by the Tuba.  

Loved the paining of this Cornish house -


Yes please to this kitchen -

Close to the museum are some art studios called CAST, where on a different weekend we attended a lovely lantern making workshop. Here we discovered the beauty of waxed paper. There are also some old keys to tinker on.


For those of you that like the marvel of moving image, here's a short film on our little trip, plus a couple of gardening jobs at the end -


I hope that you are keeping well. Please send gossip.

Lulu xXx

Thank you for visiting!

Most recent posts can be found here -

YouTubeyness here - Long Mizzle Garden on You Tube


  1. lovely video - but the left side driving is disturbing..... ;-D
    the museum is a fab treasure trove for many things historical! the huge blanket artwork would need a very long look though.......
    great bounty on chilis - they will ceep you toasty all winter longe! it was a chili year it seams, know big harvests from other gardeners. @greenhouse: did it stand on the concrete terrasse? if i´m right informed a greenhouse can stand frosts better when the warmth from the open soil can come up into it......
    maybe you install a big bucket of half-ripe compost in yours?
    stay warm & cosy - you queen of succulents! <3
    love the sweather with classic trousers and red beret!

    1. Sorry for the leftie driving Beate! Hmmmm, interesting...the greenhouse does stand on concrete - a hangover from the previous owners. It would be a hell of a job to smash through it. I added x2 paving slabs (found in garden) for the inner path and surrounded it with tiny sea pebbles. My dad had an open earth greenhouse and did very well with tomatoes - though he didn't ever grow or store anything over winter. I have since added glass cloches over the succulents. Hopefully this will help, as it is unheated. Woolen top is super soft alpaca wool - I nabbed it from Mumrah ;) xXx

  2. The Museum of Cornish Life intrigues me. I love these places, full of memories from my childhood when I lived with my grandparents and I enjoy photographing them
    Your video was very enjoyable, misty shots of your garden had a quietness. You put a lot of work into your videos
    My garden and Joey my tortoise are both put away and ready for winter, which is just in time as we has overnight sub zero temperatures and today snow. Not a heavy covering but enough to make pavements slippery so unable to take Popcorn out.
    Take care Lulu. David.

    1. It's a lovely place David and free to get into too. I've since been chatting to the lovely lady who owns the little sweet shop in Helston. She said her family donated her grandfather's police truncheons to the museum - which I remember seeing. Thank you for watching my video. I make it all on my phone, so super quick to shoot but a bit fiddly to edit. Good to hear Joey is all tucked up for winter. Stay warm and take care xXx

  3. Dear Lulu
    Museums like that are a joy, aren't they? You never know what you will spot. I loved the picture of the three ladies too. Your chilis did well this year. I picked two more raspberries this morning (despite the snow we have had!) and ate them while I was putting the bird food out.
    Have a good week
    Best wishes

    1. Hello Ellie. I can't believe I haven't visited the museum sooner. The kids also loved it too. So much to see and explore. Wow, raspberries in December! That's good going. I got the chilli plants from a charity plant sale - so not sure what type they were. A pretty good harvest considering I've mostly ignored them all summer :) You have a good week too xXx

  4. Lovely to hear from you Lulu!
    I spotted Grayson's work in your recent and beautifully atmospheric YouTube film when I was browsing the other day. It's unmistakable isn't it? Such talent!
    It really is the season of condensation. I'm noticing is more and more - probably because we're all trying to cut down on the heating bills.
    Crushes circa 1986? Probably Keifer Sutherland, River Phoenix, Paul McGann (after seeing Withnail & I) and a young Bruce Springsteen after discovering his early work. Duran Duran and that lot passed me by! xxx

    1. Thank you Claire :) It was a nice surprise to hear Garyson Perry's work was being displayed nearby. I've only seen his ceramics before. I love watching him on his TV art programs.

      The dehumidifier has since been rolled out and is doing a grand job upstairs. Oh yes - I was with you with the beautiful; River Pheonix - used to have a poster of him on my wardrobe door! Gotta love early Bruce Springsteen albums -' me tonight in Atlantic City' xXx

  5. Hello Lulu, so good to see your post and video . Sorry I haven't been around the blogging scene for a while. My wife has been a bit under the weather so we haven't ventured very far other than hospital appointments. As for what I collect - too much! Luckily I have a room I call my office, but really it's full of bits and pieces - especially old books and ... well, anything really, things that reminds me of people no longer with us. All good wishes.

    1. Hello Mike, great to hear from you. Sorry to hear your wife has been unwell and I hope the hospital visits are going smoothly. Ahhhh, an 'office' ! (man cave?). Very nice to have your own room to fill with old books and bits n' bobs. Monsieur & I could do with our own spaces really. I joke that he needs a bat cave. Our office is a mish mash and needs a very good sort out :0 xXx

  6. How lovely to see you Lulu!
    The Museum of Cornish Life looks very much like my cup of tea, and isn't Grayson Perry's Comfort Blanket glorious?
    I absolutely loved your little video, and unlike Beate I didn't think the left-hand driving disturbing. Rather the opposite, it was making me quite nostalgic, as I can't wait to be driving on the left-hand side again next year :-)
    Well done on putting all your succulents to bed, and what an amazing harvest of chilis. Your neightbour's chili pot is rather fabulous too! xxx

    1. It has been a very long time since I sat behind a school desk like that Ann! Oh the museum was wonderful. It even had a little self-service tea & biscuits section. Well done for not being thrown by the left hand driving. I've only driven on the right once in France - very disorientating. In fact - there used to be a infamous story at school that one teacher got so confused at a round about in France that she just drove straight over the middle of it - thus ploughing through the beautiful flower scheme!!! ;) xXx

  7. hello Lulu - I just returned from a hot beach holiday and am browsing through blogger whilst adjusting my jet lagged brain .... how lovely to see your newsy post - the video was good - glimpses of an old fashioned grocery shop - I remember scales like that - and the dreaded vim in the background on the shelf brought back memories (powder scourer) ... (as a child my job was to scrub the bath and sink with the stuff - it wasn't kind to hands I can tell you). Your succulents look cosy ready for the onslaught of the unpredictable wintry weather and I enjoyed seeing you chatting away in your woolly hat - will Adam Frost's double be making an appearance this year? I hope so :) Betty

    1. Lucky you Betty! Ughhhh, Vim on the hands sounds unkind. My job each Saturday afternoon was to floss the dark mahogany dining room furniture with Pledge. Mam used to stick on the Rolling Stones to energise the cleaning routine :0 I don't do much much polishing these days but I still quite like the smell. I asked 'Mr Frost' if he would like to return to the screen and he said a firm no. Shame really as he has quite a talent for it. I hope that you are keeping well xXx

  8. Hello you little cornish pixie. Lovely to see a post from you. Have you used up all the Shizzle ☺

    1. Eh up Cherie, I have the spare batch or two for special discount price. Unlike a fine wine, I think it will only deteriorate with age. May have to rebrand it as badger repellent or something like that xXx

  9. Hello Lulu! I'm still sitting at a desk like that. it's where my PC lives!
    The Museum of Cornish Life looks just up my street, love the photo of the ladies enjoying a cup of tea and your video.
    Crushing on in 1986? Those were my Grebo years so it was probably Miles Hunt.
    Have a bostin' Xmas, bab. xxx

    1. Of course you have a desk like that Vix ;) I picked one up years ago from a chazza but it unfortunately had to go back when I was on the move. Can you believe the picture of the Cornish ladies has been up in the living room almost all month now and Monsieur has only just spotted it!!! (oh observant one). I'm heading over for a catchup... xXx

  10. I love hearing your voice (the season of Condensation- I like it!)
    The museum looks great! Ophiclydes are such weird instruments! I DO love Serpent though! Or a Wagner Tuba!
    I was crushing David Greenfield and Adam Malinoski in 1986- aged 5- they were my kiss-chase objects of choice- ha!!!
    Love the Comfort Blanket (very glad I got a closer look in the video!) and you look very demure at your desk!
    I wouldn't have been able to resist that piano!
    Wishing you a merry Christmas Lulu and hope all is well for you in 2024.

    1. Oh dear Kezzie, do you need your ears syringing? ;) I had to look up a Wagner Tuba - that's a new one for me! Every building should have a piano. You could have given us a tune on your flute too. As a fellow Neighbours soap fan - thought you might appreciate I was crushing on Scott, Charlene, Plain Jane & bad boy Mike - all of them together (still crushing on Guy Pearce to this day). Hope you had a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2024 xXx

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