Ways to fly and dry

 Hello m' pink flying goblets,

I'm sat here typing away on the ol' laptop, bottle of Lidl's cheap Buck Piss cracked open. The washing's in and it's just started mizzling. Five gangly necked swans have just flown past the the window. They are currently circling round once more before they attempt a jet ski propelled, belly flop landing in the creek.


I'd better get the tea on soon, so just a short post for today.  Some purple sprouting brocolli has been freshly picked from the vege patch. They will be lightly steamed and smothered in butter. I added some pink primrose flowers too, to try and create the illusion of  being 'reet sophisticated'. Did you know they are edible?!

The little pot of yellow primroses will be placed on my bedside tea trolly. They smell like sweet honey. My sister in law kindly gave me the bamboo trellis. I shall have to find good use for it.

It has been a wonderfully dry week, prefect for catching up on mountains of washing. Each day I've been up early, eagerly hanging the laundry on the line before tootling off to work. Of course it is still colour coordinated darling...

Here's some pictures taken in the beautiful Tremough Gardens. During the week, the local TV news referred  to 'Magnolia day' - the flowers all apparently came out on the same day in Cornwall.


A little wombling day trip in half term to St Austell and Charlestown -

(The jumper in the video is 'Scandi Noir' but blogger Beate in snowy Germany does it much better here)


I am very aware that I'm treading on blogger Mike's Cornwall territory here! Mike often photographs Charlestown & Clay Country way.

That's all for today. I hope you are well. With a little help from my new glasses, I've been trying my best to catch up on some of your blogs. If I haven't already been round, I will soon!

Lulu xXx

AKA 'Alana Partridge' 

Thank you for visiting!

Most recent posts can be found here - https://longmizzle.blogspot.com/

You can sometimes find me here Long Mizzle on YouTube 
Want to send me biscuits for elevensies? Please email  'longmizzle (at) gmail.com'


  1. Hello back, I knew you were out and about coz you popped over to my blog and left a lovely comment which cheered my dreary grey 'Oop Norff' day - how could you mention hanging out washing when ours would come back in damper than it went out!! (such pretty washing btw) mine errs on the side of blue and black - being sensible an' all and regularly being mucky at work (oo err missus!) we all wear 'don't show the dirt' colours 😁😁

    1. Cheers Kate :) The pink is mostly the girlies, but I am partial to bright yellow! That said, work my work attire is quite dull, as I usually get mucky doing un-glam things such as crawling 'Die Hard style' in ventilation shafts xXx

  2. I love the colour co-ordinated washing - I am looking forward to being able to hang some out probably in April/May! My camellias are in flower too but I am worried for them as we are due some icy temperatures and possibly even snow this week! Winter is definitely not over yet...
    Have a good week and enjoy your gardening!
    Best wishes

    1. Hello Ellie, I hope the ice / snow hasn't harmed your camellias. No snow here, though we were forecast it! Happy gardening xXx

  3. Happy new glasses, Lulu! I collected mine on Friday and they're taking a while to get used to!
    It looks a lot more Spring-like down Long Mizzle Way than it does in sleety Walsall! The colour coordinated washing is a work of art.
    I'm off to watch your wombling adventures to get me ion the mood for a rummage! xxx

    1. Hiya Vix, the glasses are a revelation! I've heard the midlands has snow. Happy rummaging :) xXx

  4. i love the springflower wardrobe of the little missis!!
    it was great fun to come with you on your day trip to charlestown, very picturesque city and harbour and the 2.hand shops are fabulous.
    Tremough Gardens looks wonderful - so many helleborous. the magnolias here will not flower until april...... subtropical cornwall :-D but i´m very sorry that you had a very dry winter!
    i do envy your garden progress - BWH gardens are still frozen... but i did cut some hedges down so they will be easy to trim in form over the summer......
    very chic sunnies my dear!
    and thanx for the shout out! xxxxx

    1. Thanks Beate :) Glad you liked the wee trip. We now have rain but other parts of the country have snow. Looks like Cornwall will be doing sea desalination withing six months, as the reservoirs haven't recovered from last year! xXx

  5. I'm loving your colour coordinated washing as always and enjoyed tagging along on your wombling adventure. I love that kind of antique centre, you can definitely lose track of time in them! I never knew primrose flowers were edible, and will definitely keep this in mind next time I want to look "reet sophisticated" :-) xxx

    1. Oh yes, I can imagine you'd be right in those brooch cabinets Ann! I am planning on making a poncy cake, dressed in crystalized primroses :) xXx

  6. Doesn't that purple sprouting broccoli look pretty with the pink magnolia flowers? I didn't know they were edible. Also, I never thought that a line of washing could be a thing of beauty, until now.
    I'm eagerly awaiting the flowering of our Magnolia - it's usually around Easter.
    So glad you have got your glasses sorted...all the better for seeing beautiful Charlestown clearly. I love it there. Such a gem of a place, just off that busy main road! I also spent way too long looking around that Antiques Centre when we last visited. Loving your beach treasure and Cornish travelogue! xxx

    1. Oooh, I was referring to the primrose flowers being edible. I got a bit worried when you mentioned magnolias, but it turns out some of them are edible too (I would research further before taking my word on this!!! ). How funny that you also visited the antiques centre :) xXx

    2. Ignore me. I did read that they were primroses, but I mistakenly typed magnolia. A happy accident, to discover that some magnolia flowers also might be edible. But yes, you're quite right, it's information to have and hold onto. I probably won't try one! xxx

  7. Now I'm tempted to colour coordinate my washing line. I didn't know primula are edible.... another pretty petal for my salad.

  8. You are very welcome on 'my territory' - enjoyed your video very much. It's good to see the magnolias. I always think of them being something special. Enjoyed the video. There's something special about Charlestown - we went there early on the new millennium. It was misty as we looked back from the harbour wall it was like stepping back in time - a special moment. All good wishes.

    1. Thanks Mike, glad you liked it. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Charlestown. It felt like we had it to ourselves in the rain, but it got increasingly busier as the day dried out :) xXx

  9. Spring has definitely sprung with you, such lovely colours co-ordinating with your washing. My purple sprouting broccoli died over the winter, it was three years old so it was allowed to, I won't get any of the lovely florets this spring.

    1. Thanks SM :) Shame about the brocolli. I don't have as much as we usually do - don't seem to be as many florets this year. Seeds were sown last year, so the plants are just under are 1 year old. They were delicious though ! xXx

  10. Thank you for posting some colour to brighten my day. In my garden we have some Tete te tete daffs in flower, Snowdrops & our Camelia buds are just breaking and showing a hint of red.
    Still not able to post anything, I'm unable to get out to take new pics but hope to keep up with comments. 😊 🐕 🐢

    1. Hello David, always great to hear from you. I hope puppy training is going well. Enjoy the spring flowers :) xXx

  11. Just had time to view your videos on this post, very enjoyable as I sit with puppy Popcorn while it's raining and sleeting outside. I've often enjoyed Mike's posts from Charlestown, so good to see it on your video, the boats look really bright & colourful. Take care, David.


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