Quick pancake catchup

 Hello m' runaway blueberries,

A super quick post from me today. I made the mistake of pointing out to Monsieur last week that I hadn't had a winter cold or lurgy flu yet. So you can imagine what happened next!

The days have continued to be distinctly chilly but dry. We have been finding nice antidotes to the morning ice - mostly in the form of hot tea & pancakes.

Eager not to lose any more succulents, the fleece sheets and emergency cloches are on standby.

Here are satisfying before and after shots of one bed I have been clearing. 

Grasses tamed and self-sown Sweet William and Forget me Nots spaced out ready for spring shizzle shazzle -

The cannas & dahlias have been cut down in the old vege bed, allowing the purple sprouting broccoli some space to flower -

A thick mulch has been applied to both beds, using spent compost -
Long Mizzle Garden

To my surprise I came across a bag of new potatoes that I had grown last year, plonked behind the greenhouse and promptly forgotten about. Tipped out & collected just in time before tea - delicious! Thankfully the light is now workable until after five O'clock in the evening, even if the cameras are not.

Blogger has been misbehaving, not allowing me to comment on my own, or other people's blogs. As a result I made a one take garden update video and uploaded it to YouTubey, just in case I didn't get it sorted. 
As the hipster vloggers say, don't forget to Bike, Subside and give it a Plums Up!...
Or you could just be a normal person and say 'hello'.

I do think I've got a fix for the blogger issue now though (a wooden mallet!), so I hope to be doing the royal rounds, for those of you that have bloggies.

Take care m'luverlies,

Lulu xXx

Thank you for visiting!

Most recent posts can be found here -



You can also sometimes find me here -

Long Mizzle Garden on You Tube


  1. Hello Lulu! So sorry to hear you've succumbed to the lurgy - telling Monsieur definitely wasn't a good idea - and what a nuisance that Blogger has been misbehaving!
    Hot tea and pancakes sounds just the ticket to combat the cold, in both senses of the word.
    I'm impressed with your garden progress, and consequently feel like a garden slob in comparison. The only thing I've been doing is looking outside and sighing, wondering if Dove Cottage's little plot will be ever be looking ship shape again.
    Feel better soon! xxx

    1. Thanks Ann, feeling much better already :) I'm sure the Dove Cottage garden will look beautiful come summer xXx

  2. Hi Lulu, your cloches are very nicely arranged and it's impressive to see all those little weeny plantlets out in the big world so early - I hope you are more sheltered than us and they will grow like triffids. I went t'allotment today and hubby replaced some of the woody bits on me raised beds, there's always a stack of wood and woodchip free so we also woodchipped the paths. Not much growing but I just like making it look all tidy, it does look lovely where I dug the compost over :) You are always so bizzy doing things that look essential and worthwhile :)

    1. Those plantlets self-seeded themselves & don't seemed fussed at all about the frost. Hurray for the free woodchip. What a difference a fresh coating makes. It's important to stay busy looking busy Betty! ;) xXx

  3. Blogger - when it works is simple and easy however... when it does not - grrrrr!
    I have lost loads of my succulents and cacti in the glasshouse - usually have one or so sad loss, but this year it is an almost total wipe out 😠hey ho.
    I am itching to get stuck in to my garden - but winter still has her steely cold fingers wrapped around everything up here !

    1. Oh no, disaster strikes in your greenhouse too! Stay warm and toasty Kate. Things will start gearing up xXx

  4. Wow Lulu, you've been busy. It does look nice when you can see where you've been, I agree. I have lots to do but it has been pretty cold recently so am waiting until February to do pruning and cutting back of grasses etc. Then it will be all systems go!
    Hope you're feeling better (that'll teach you to boast about good health!)
    Best wishes and Happy Gardening!

    1. That will teach me Ellie! As soon as I said it, I felt the lurgy coming on! :0 Happy February gardening :) xXx

  5. hhhmm - pancakes! with blueberries even better! yum!!
    you´r very forward with the garden and it looks great - here we are in the mid of winter, ita much to cold and wet to plant. but i must start with cutting back perennials and hedges.......
    stay warm and dry! xxxxx

    1. The blueberry component makes me feel a little bit healthy ;) Your winters are very beautiful. I do yearn for snow sometimes. Stay cosy Beate xXx

  6. Aye up, Cocker - as we say in Walsall. Sorry you've got the dreaded lurgy, hopefully those blueberry pancakes and squirty cream'll shift it pronto.
    Long Mizzle certainly puts my gardening to shame. I had a bit of a tidy up when we had a mild day three weeks ago and I'm very excited to see a few bulbs starting to spring up. I wish we could find a forgotten bag of spuds, I've been living on Papas Arrugadas for the last week - I'll probably start looking like one soon (if I don't already!) xxx

    1. Eh up Vix. I'm all in a flurry now trying to do the remaining tree & hedge cutting - the birds start early here with their feathery armour. The wrinkly potatoes sound yummy, haha yes, but one would not want to look like one! xXx

  7. Hiya! Having a particularly sweet tooth at the moment, I struggled to get past those blueberry pancakes, but my goodness you've been busy! We made a tentative start on the spring tidy up at the weekend, but you're well ahead.
    Love that photo of the frosty windscreen, although I imagine at the time of taking it, you had other words to describe it. Scraping the car first thing in the morning is never fun.
    Hope you're feeling much better now! xxx

    1. I feel like the Marie Kondo of the gardening world Claire! Yep, the icy screen is especially annoying when yet another ice scrapper escapes the confines of the car. I seriously do not know where they all go! Much better thanks xXx

  8. I have the same problem trying to leave comments. My signal keeps dropping off. I'll watch that video of yours while himself watches the tele box. How's that lurgy bug doing.xx

    1. I told the lurgy to boff off and three days later it did :) Blogger seems to do different things from week to week. Likes to keep us on our toes xXx

  9. Replies
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  10. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. I'm impressed to see your garden waking up and all the work you're putting into it, looking good my garden has thawed out from days of frost but it's now wet and very windy up here. We're usually 3 -4 weeks behind what Monty tells us we should be doing. Our new dog is taking up my time just now.
    Blogger give me headaches from time to time, I've tried to learn WordPress but Blogger is much easier.....when it works! David.

    1. Ah, you see David I feel very smug when Monty tells us to do something and I have already done it! The new doggy must be hard work but great fun xXx

  11. Sorry to hear about the dreaded lurgy. Strangely my wife and I had covid a couple of weeks back - for the first, time most annoying! Hot tea and pancakes, that sounds a great cure. Good wishes.

    1. I know so many people that got Covid in the first part of January Mike. I think mine was some other non-descriptive other lurgy, but all better now thanks. Hope you are keeping well xXx

  12. Hope the dreaded lurgy has been banished now. Your garden looks like it is waking up from its slumber well, loved the wee video.

  13. Argh, thanks SM :) All better & looking forward to a sesh in the garden this weekend. Hope you are well xXx


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