Feel like shite

 Eh up our kid,

Less gardening this weekend - I've been living it up large, feet up, head full of lurgy, watching the Glastonbury Music Festival highlights on t' tele. The band that opened up my first ever Glasto in 1997 were called The Shirehorses. This was radio DJs Mark and Lard's spoof band. Having listened to their ridiculous comedy sketches on BBC Radio 1's graveyard slot, holed up in my teenage garage, I was a big fan. 

When Mark n' Lard moved to Radio 1's prime time slot, they refused to relocate from their Manchester base (the rest of Radio 1 broadcast from London) and they would often play the spoons or kazoo over any tune they disapproved of (compulsory playlists you see). They particularly seemed to take offense to a band called Savage Garden, which they called 'Cabbage Garden'. They claimed every band around at the time had nicked their sound.

In my early 20s I got to meet them in person as a friend of mine from the BBC technology trainee scheme I was on sporadically went into their studio to fix kit. "Ooooh nooo" Lard said as we walked in , in his thick Lancashire accent "what's broken now lass? ...eh oo's this, another one come to break kit!". They referred to my friend as 'Geee -eee-eee" (a play on her surname) and they were both as equally silly and hilarious off mic as they were on.

Colour coordinated washing of the week
Free houseplants - these were going from outside a house in the old town!

 Succulent stash from Wednesday's Rosudgeon Carboot Sale

Some homegrown stawbs and just two cherries - the kids and blackbirds beat me to the rest!

So, not very much gardening gossip this weekend, but I did manage to bash out two videos for YouTubey - 

That's all from me today. I hope that you are keeping well and maybe you have more exciting gossip?

I'll leave you with an old photo, circa 1993/4, I found this morning whilst digging out pictures for one of my oldest, bestest school friends - just to prove once I was young and have always had a thing for prancing about with flowers. Don't know why my friend painted my face like a ghost! Plus I'll attach a clip of some of the infamous Shirehorses :)

Lulu xXx

The Shirehorses - Feel Like Shite


  1. We used to listen to (and gasp - TAPE) Mark 'n Lard and play them in the car and when we left for Africa we would listen to them regularly. We still have the tapes.
    Hope you are feeling less rubbish xxx

    1. Wow! You have the tapes Kate!!! I used to have a Graveyard Shift compilation on tape, including Thought for the Day by Rabbi Lionel Blair and goldfish and the galleon (with a three second memory). That tape and other precious mix tapes got nicked from my car many years later (screwdriver to the lock - they didn't take the actual car or big bag of firewood in the boot). Lulu xXx

  2. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, I loved listening to Mark and Lard, wonderful radio programme. I am sorry to hear you are feeling rubbish, I hope you feel better soon x

    1. Thanks SM, feeling much better thanks. I'm not very good at sitting not doing anything :0 Oh Mark & Lard were just wonderful weren't they! :) xXx

  3. Dear Lulu
    I hope the lurgy is on the way out now and that you had a good weekend. Prancing about with flowers, albeit on a toilet, well, why not?! We have all been young...
    Hope you have a good week and feel better
    Best wishes

    1. Lurgy has gone thanks Ellie and I'm looking forward to properly enjoying this coming weekend! Toilet backdrop, well, what can I say, it was all about grungy glamour back then ;) xXx

  4. Sorry to hear you've been ill, good excuse to watch Glastonbury though. I must admit I've not heard of most of the people/ groups appearing there, of the ones I did see (on TV) I thought Paul McCartney & his group were amazing. Ok, his group helped out a bit with the singing but for an 80 year old he did ok. At least he wasn't embarrassing like Rod Stewart at the Jubillee Concert. I'm probably biased being of an age when I can remember buying the first Beatles single! 😯. Talking of which, you looked like a live wire in your old photo!
    Back to this post, succulents haven't featured much in my garden, I have a few house leeks around a Cordaline and thats it. Yours look quite interesting, as do the rest of your photo's & I enjoyed the two videos. Enjoyed this post, stay safe 😊 🐕 🐢

    1. Glad you caught a bit of Glasto. I didn't see Paul McCartney or Rod Stewart (oh dear, maybe I'll miss that one ;) ) Monsieur caught James Brown live a few years ago - he said he didn't do any singing at all - just some 'uh-huhs' and yeahs - his backing band did all the work :0 ;) I'm developing a bad succulent habit! Just love 'em. I like the sound of your house leek and cordaline combo. Thank you David, catch you over at your blog soon :) xXx

  5. hope you feel better - but marathon watching glasto sounds not too bad :-D
    very tasteful colour coordinated washing this time - but see: the orange gnomes were there and photobombed with the california poppies........ gorgeous rosy sunset.
    seeing your strawberries you def. need some "mieze schindler" plants - and "senga sengana" for pollinating them of cause - mieze schindler is the most tasteful strawberry ever - and perfect for a home garden.
    thanks for the videos and music!
    stay cool! xxxxx

    1. Thanks Beate, thankfully there was plenty of tele highlights to pick from as I lay there feeling sorry for myself. The gnomes did not appreciate the whiteness - yes, they like to party with all things orange ;) Oooh, thanks for the strawberry tip. I am moving the patch this autumn (as I do every three years) so shall look out for some mieze schindler and senga sengana! xXx

  6. I have been wanting a greenhouse for sooo long, now I can totally justify it! my tumble dryer costs a fortune so this is one for Martins Moneysavers for sure... sorry you are feeling so shitey, I love the Shirehorses, very funny. Wasn't Glasto fab - and we are going to get a mega update from Vix shortly I hope as she was in the thick of it all... I thought Macca was amazing and loved Diana Ross with her flouncy outfits (bringing back memories of my early teens singing into my hairbrush with my friends in the bedroom, oh yes, those were the days indeedy), both oldies but goldies. I have been doing lots of overtime, fighting to save trees in the woodland from a nasty developer and just noticed my garden is neglected so it's time to go for a potter now to admire my obelisk thingy that is sprouting sweatpeas :) ttfn Betty

    1. Betty, if you see this tip on Martin's Moneysaver you'll know he stole it from me!!! We have a washer / dryer combo - the dryer I think uses just as much water as the washing element- for its condenser cooling action :0 Yay, I have just spotted Vix has a Glasto post (by the way The Charletans did not escape The Shirehorses - I shall have to dig out the clip for her to pass onto Lord Jon). Oh yes, the hairbrush days, great fun. I'm still trying to catch up on clips - there's so much. Good for you and shame on the nasty developer. Enjoy your sweetpeas xXx

  7. Hello Lulu! So sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Gareth's got it too, so I've been flying solo to this weekend's social engagement.

    I think it's fantastic that you met Mark and Lard! I used to love listening to them too back in the day and we've still got a CD of The Shirehorses knocking around somewhere - Bill Oddity was amongst my favourites "Take your worming pills and put your flea collar on," "I'm puking on the floor," etc. etc.

    Great idea for drying your washing and turnips are veggie rock 'n' roll royalty for sure! I'm enjoying catching up on Glastonbury highlights...I quite enjoyed Jack White's set. He is bonkers though isn't he? xxx

    1. A mighty Shirehorses CD Claire, top stuff! Haha, Bill Oddity, so good. I haven't seen Jack White's set yet but will be sure to watch. I saw the White Stripes back at Reading Festival 2004 - they were incredible, such on stage chemistry! Hope Gareth is better. Thank you, I'm feeling much better this week :) xXx

  8. P.S. Lovely pic of the younger Lulu. xxx

  9. Where are yoooooooooooooooo. Hope you are feeling better. x

    1. I'm 'errrreeeeee!!!! Thanks Cherie :) x

  10. Sorry to hear you have / had the dreaded lurgy. Liked your 'old' photo, it is interesting to see how we age and alter over the years. We all have a tale to tell. Hope you are on the mend, take care - all good wishes.

    1. Thank you Mike, loads better now. I don't delve into the old photo box goo often, but it is always funny when I do. Hope you are well :) x

  11. Sorry to hear that you're not well, Lulu - we're currently residing in Plague Towers, too.
    I loved Mark and Lard back in the day. You look so cute in that photo. xxx

  12. Hey Vix, Lord Jon must have left by the time The Charlatan's 'North Country Boy' came out, but the band didn't escape The Shirehorses treatment - 'West Country Boy' by the Charley Twins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRv27pxaxU

    Oh no, sorry to hear you are with t' plague. I am coming over to have a proper look at your Glasto gossip..... xXx

  13. I'm sorry to hear you've been down with the lurgy, Lulu. Jos and I both had colds - minor ones but still - in the middle of our holidays. Blaming the Great British Summer weather and the car's aircon going full blast on our way up. Loved the YouTubey videos and the photo of young Lulu! xxx

    1. Thanks Ann :) Oh no, hope the colds didn't spoil your hols. Coming over shortly to see what the gossip is xXx


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