Less nattering, more car booty

 Hello m' fabulous flippers,

Joy of joys, the car boot sales are back on. The spring blossom is blooming. It's a long bank holiday weekend - meaning lots of time to catch up on garden jobs and tea drinking. Just a short bloggymacjig today. If my old Geography teacher is reading - yes I can zip it - but no, one can never run out of things to natter about...one simply saves them for another day!

pink cherry blossom


One of the weirdest things I have ever spotted at a car boot sale - 


Of course it was just asking for a certain je ne sais quoi -

 I always wanted to be Daryl Hannah in Splash, with 80s crimped hair and my very own Tom Hanks. Turns out the lovely lass selling this was a real life mermaid - she makes the tails herself and swims in the sea or giant fish tanks with them. She said 'mermaid abs' are a thing! See here for some nicer pictures not involving my bonce -  The Cornish Mermaid

 I shall leave you with a little video made early this morning, with the garden filled with mist and gorgeous spring birdsong. 


Misty Morning Over Long Mizzle


As I now have a week off from work, other YouTubeyness may start appearing -

Long Mizzle Garden on You Tube


I hope you have a wonderful week,


Lulu xXx 

Thank you for visiting!

Most recent posts can be found here -


Email: longmizzle (at) gmail.com 


  1. Enjoyed your misty morning video - how did you manage to keep so quiet!? I also looked at the mermaid lady - she's a flippity weird fish. Enjoy your week off :)

    1. That'll be my Ninja training! Thanks Betty :) xXx

  2. What a lovely misty morning - and a mermaid too! What more could anyone want ... Enjoy your Bank Holiday, all good wishes.

    1. Thanks Mike, hope you had a goodun :) xXx

  3. Morning Lulu! I was awake bright and early this morning, even though I could really have done with more sleep. It's definitely connected to Spring sunshine and birdsong! Love your misty morning video - the birds seem particularly vocal at the moment don't they? There are definitely more mermaids knocking around these days too. Those tails are quite beautiful, but they would have to be adapted for land to be of any use in these parts...unless I brave the canal...xxx

    1. The birds were having a rave this morning Claire. It is amazing where you can find mermaids these days isn't it! ...perhaps even canals ? :0 xXx

  4. Dear Lulu
    Mermaids are certainly not what you expect to see at a car boot! I loved the misty morning video with all the beautiful birdsong.
    Best wishes and have a lovely week off!

    1. I think I was a bit star struck, or should I say tail struck Ellie! Glad you enjoyed the misty birdies xXx

  5. Mornin' I saw a news article about the mermaids a few years back. They are quite popular as exercise classes bit did you really need to remove your bra for the photo in the middle of a car boot sale.. :-) ;-)

    1. Of course Cherie, what's that saying...'when in Rome'.... ;) xXx

  6. I love the mermaid tail. Were you not just a little bit tempted? X

    1. You should see my doggy paddle Jules ;) xXx

  7. wonderful photo with the blue shimmer of forgetmenots all over your garden!
    mine have just tiny green buds..... but the birds here sing too like there is no tomorrow.
    "mermaiding" is a huge thing here - there is a club in the next town and the girls swim regularly in the public pool. if it was´t for the nasty chloride and the extremely expensive "fish tail" i would be tempted :-D
    i´m in for a car boot sale - or fleamarket - too!

    1. Wow! A mermaid club. That's bonkers Beate. My eldest daughter got a fabric tail and rubbery fin for her birthday a few years back - unfortunately we have been unable to find a pool that actually allow them! :0 xXx

  8. Ah, car boot sales and long weekends to be spent in the garden. Surely that's utter bliss!
    Don't tell me you didn't buy those mermaid tails, I think you'd make a brilliant mermaid. No, seriously, that is indeed one of the weirdest things I've ever seen sold on a car boot or flea market.
    Those mermaid pictures are stunning, though. It's a career choice, I guess :-)
    I'll be playing your little video on repeat. How lovely to hear only bird song after a weekend full of noisy neighbours ...
    I've lost count of all the times I was told to zip it when I was at school. And then I married a man who natters even more than I do! xxx

    1. Haha, the idea of you and Jos out-nattering each other tickles me Ann. Alas I didn't get the tail - there will be better mermaids out there than me... plus Monsieur may not have approved when I tried to mount it on the living room wall. Hope you've had a good week xXx

  9. Happy Easter weekend. Lovely photos. I need to check out that Cornish mermaid link. That mermaid tail looks like a work of art. So impressive she makes them herself.

    1. Thanks Ivana :) It sure looks like a lot of mermaid work. Hope you are well xXx

  10. Hi Lulu, still haven't been to a car booty yet. Love the video, things not going too well for me just now but your misty garden and lovely birdsong made a difference.
    The mermaid tale impressed me, I'm assuming you bought it? 😮
    Enjoy your week off, I'm anticipating more "tubyness". 😊 🐕 🐢

    1. Thanks David. Sorry to hear things aren't going too well at the moment. Glad the birdsong helped. Alas I didn't buy the mermaid tail. I am after a giant fairground swan or stuffed yeti ;) xXx

  11. Long Mizzle looks glorious - our Forget-me-nots bloomed earlier in the week and the bluebells have just started today, I love seeing that blue haze when I look out of the window.
    How amazing is that mermaid ? I hope you bought it! I wanted to be Darryl Hannah, too! xxx

    1. Ooh yes, the blue haze is gorgeous Vix and I don't mind it at all when the forget-me-nots take over the whole garden. I think I remember an 80s picture you shared of you with crimped hair. I never had a crimper, but an old friend used to come in to school every day with perfectly crimped hair... I was in awe! xXx

  12. That's a bit fishy! Seriously though - what was it made of?
    Does the purchase of said fins entitle you to the rest of the mermaid vibes and gorgeous-ness?? (just asking for a...friend...erhmm)

    1. Haha, yes, thanks Kate ;) I think the tail was made from latex, giving one extra stretch in the water. I think I'd look more like Jaws thrashing about in the water, than a graceful mermaid :0 If you can do the 'dolphin', I think you should go for it xXx

  13. Wow that mermaid tail is quite something, what is it made of cannot imagine trying to swim in it. Sure you weren't tempted? Enjoy your week off x

    1. Thanks SM :) There's certainly a technique involved - one which I could not pull off. My eldest daughter can do a mean 'dolphin' move. I just star fish float. I think it was made from latex xXx

  14. Wow! The mermaid tail is so cool! Love your picture with it!!!x

    1. Thanks Kezzie love :) It's really funny, I woke up thinking 'hmmm - must catch up on Kezzie's blog' - and just have - not realising until just now you've left me a lovely message! xXx


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