The Petting, Pancakes and Plants Place

 Hello m' pannenkoeks,

We call it the 'Petting, Pancakes and Plants Place'. Officially it is the 'Wendron Plant Nursery and Pancake Barn', near Helston. We went during the half term holiday [Warning: if you find kids annoying, don't go during the school holidays!]. Well, it was an absolute hit with the kids and I - somewhere I could get my plant fix, the kids could feed some goats, laugh at some rogue chickens and attempt to pet a rabbit. I got a nice pot of tea, we all ate pancakes and there's even an outdoors play area. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Yes.

Goat Face, brother of Goat Beard -

Dreaming of polytunnels (have I ever told you my idea of heaven is a polytunnel and a pot of tea?) -

Succulents in hanging baskets (I will be ripping this idea off this summer) -

Some more polytunnel dreaming, cacti, succulent propagation in action and a quick plant grab -

Below are some Trachcarpus fortunei seedlings. Regular readers will know I have a trachy palm back home in the garden. Well, I did feel very silly in recognising the seedlings and quickly realising I have been puling them out as unknown weeds for years!!!

Trachycarpus fortunei seedlings @ £4 a pop.

 Just a quick blog today, but I'll leave you with a video of me hunting the little blighters down at Long Mizzle.

The *car booty* is calling.

* For non-UK readers: car boot sales are a much beloved UK event where people park up in the middle of a field, often at arse o' crack (very early) in the morning, and sell shizz (stuff) that they don't need any more from the boot of their cars, to people who think they need more shizz. The more seasoned car booters know to bring a folding wallpaper or picnic table to better display their wares on, an ugly bum bag (fanny pack) to keep change in and a beady eye to preside over any 'cheeky customers' sleight of hand. 

In a strange phenomenon seen possibly only in Cornwall, a rope is strung across the entrance, where the bargain hunters eagerly gather, stretching and warming their limbs up. A giant horn honks to mark the opening of the sale and the rope drops just enough to provoke a rush on the entrance, but not enough to clear ankles, thus creating a tripping hazard. The first couple lines of customers tumble over and those behind have a mere millisecond to judge whether they can make the hurdle. Some make it, others don't. Those that fall jump promptly up, dust themselves off and carry on running at full pelt

...because THAT dear readers is how true bargains are found.

Plus, on a side note, car boot sales are a great place to sell and buy plants.

 Long Mizzle on YouTube 


I hope that you are well and dandy,

Lulu xXx


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  1. Sounds like a pretty perfect day out, and those pancakes look delicious!
    I'm looking forward to seeing your succulent baskets. (Is it just me, or does that sound a bit rude :D)

    1. Oooh eeeeer, that does sound rude Jules!!! I'll show them to you anyhow ;) :) x

  2. welcome to the long mizzle palm tree business! :-D
    pancakes are delicious - and i do love goats. but i would visit while the kids are at school - ahem..... ;-D
    you look gorgeous with the headscarf!
    my polytunnel arrived - but i can´t get it up because the soil is frozen hard as concrete! but i cleaned the lily bed today and i could swear the tiny green tips made a grow spurt in the hour after. and the shed grown tulips went into the garden in their pots - neatly lining the path.......
    car boot sales sound like big fun :-DDDD
    stay fab! xxxxx

    1. Ah yes, pennies in the bank Beate ;) I have lazy morning croissants cooking in the oven, but could easily eat those pancakes all over again. Hurray for the tulips and how exciting to have a polytunnel! I eagerly await seeing it over on your blog, once the ground thaws. Car boot sales are tremendous fun, if nothing else for people watching xXx
      p.s. s=Sat here with bad hair - so another headscarf day :)

  3. Dear Lulu
    Trachycarpus seedlings - who knew?! Great for future sales ideas.
    That sounds like a great place to visit and I too love the idea of succulents in hanging baskets.
    Have a happy week
    Best wishes
    Ellie x

    1. I feel so bad for pulling out previous year's seedlings Ellie! If I'd saved them all, I'd have six foot tall palms by now. Succulents in hanging baskets = less watering, more time for tea drinking ;) xXx

  4. I see a whole wallpaper table of trachycarpus seedlings coming along to a carboot sale near you....

    1. Oh yes Betty! The evil money generating cogs are turning ;)
      But seriously, I do need a bum bag xXx

  5. First of all, I'm impressed with your Flemish (Dutch), even if the plural is "pannenkoeken" and not "pannenkoeks" ;-)
    The 'Petting, Pancakes and Plants Place' looks like fun for all, and those succulents in hanging baskets are just brilliant!
    I've never had the pleasure of going to a proper car boot sale - particularly not one with a rope - but it seems some of our outdoor flea markets are somewhat similar, but minus the rope!
    How exciting are your trachycarpus seedlings, I'm sure you will make a mint at the next car boot! xxx

    1. Thank you Ann for being impressed with my questionable modern language skills. It was in fact a Belgian born, long time Holland resident that taught me the word 'Pannenkoek' - but I never thought to ask for the plural - I mean, really, who ever has just one pancake!!! Your tripping-free outdoor flea markets sound fun. I do intend to make a mint, thank you :) xXx

  6. I have been trying to germinate some Trachycarpus fortunei for aaaaaages!

    And I love Mr Goaty McGoatface😁 a fave place of mine is in my garden in the summerhouse or glasshouse with a mug of tea - can't beat it!

    1. Hiya Kate ... Fingers crossed..If they don't germinate within three months or so under cover, I can send you some super fresh seed this summer! And failing that, I can always post you a couple of little seedlings. I'm on email - longmizzle (at)

      Glasshouse and tea - you are a lady after my own heart xXx

  7. Pancakes in the open air - perfect and love the goat, looks quite a character.
    How great are all of those palm seedlings, lots of potential. Hope you have a good week with lots of smiles.

    1. The goats were very goaty Mike, and the pancakes very delicious. I am very chuffed with the little seedlings. Hope you've had a good week xXx

  8. Rocking that headscarf, Lulu! I haven't been to a car boot sale in almost three years - I think I'll have forgotten what to do when they finally reopen around here.
    How cute is that goat? xxx

    1. Thank you Vix :) and Goat Face says thanks too (but he's not 'borrowing' my headscarf!) . I have heard rumours of car booties, so fingers crossed this year will be better for them xXx

  9. Looks like a fab day out Lulu! I love goats. They are quite clearly insane, but so very entertaining. I like the idea of succulents in a hanging basket. In a way, you can claim ownership of that with your succulent stuffed shells! Another excellent video. I have great expectations that your name will crop up on Gardener's World this season. If not, I shall pen a stern letter to Monty Don! xxx

    1. It seemed very important for the goats to be 'king of the castle' - which they'd display by standing on the highest rock and bleeting loudly! I have just found the perfect hanging vessel for a succulent ... to be revealed.... I keep meaning to make a little video for GW (it is a bit like me hoping to win the Lotto, when I don't actually play it!. Thank you for the offer of pen support ;) xXx

  10. I have a polytunnel.......not much in it right now except an overwintering lavender. There are a few hardy salad greens that have survived the winter and might give me a few leaves as we head into spring. I will get sowing seeds soon, too cold just now.

    Your description of the car boot sale was wonderful, I had a good chuckle at the imagery of your words!

    1. Luck you SM! It must smell lovely in there. I I personally would like a polytunnel so I can have a table tennis end -as well as the plants of course :) Glad you liked the car bootiness xXx

  11. Haha, I can't really avoid kids since I can only go to places in school holidays!! I am glad you were able to visit your idea of heaven!!!!x

    1. Ahhhhh, of course, there's no escaping them if you're a teacher!!! Thanks Kezzie :) xXX

  12. That was a perfect description of a car boot sale. You had me chuckling like a nutter... nothing new there then. A poly tunnel is great but oh how I'd love a beautiful brick and wood greenhouse. I'd invite you to come sit in it and I'd make you some pancakes and serve you tea in my best china cups.

    1. Glad it tickled the ol' chuckle bones Cherie . Oh yes, a handsome brick and wood greenhouse... with pancakes and posh tea... I'm there!!! xXX

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting Jill, lovely to cyber meet you! I see you have a bloggy, so I'll come and have a good nosey when I get chance. Lulu xXx

  14. I went there several years ago - pre-Covid - and it was hilarious. Chickens roaming happily everywhere, though not many plants at the time. It was definitely a place to go back to, though, and we smile every time we pass it. I am missing car boots - do you ever go to Rosudgeon? That was a great one. Xx

    1. There's nout funnier than a rogue chicken Sue! I did used to go to Rosudgeon and greatly enjoyed it - it was great for plants, and other, stranger items - I think I picked up my old accordion from there. Plus we'd get a coffee at one of the catering vans afterwards and watch life go past. The car booty with the rope was the old Mabe one, which sadly hasn't been on for years. I've heard Rosudgeon car boot will be starting up again. Lulu xXx

  15. It looks a great place to visit, I love goats, such commical creatures. Never been to a car boot fair, sounds interesting. I had a large Cordaline for many years but heavy snow and prolonged low temperatures killed it off. I sawed it off just above ground and five more.plants appeared from around its stump.
    It had been about eight feet tall but your Trapycarpus puts it right in the shade. 😊

    1. Oh you must seek out a car booty in Lincolnshire David! There used to be a big one t'other side of the Humber, Bridlington way - that I used to tie in with 'work trips' during the summer months ;) My old Hull garden had a corydyline that succumbed to the 2010 three months of snow - but then, like yours, eventually sprung back in a multi branching format! Hope that you are well xXx


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