Yuletide Tinsel Tidings

 Hello m' beardy chimney abseilers, 

Magical yuletide tinsel tidings to you.  I've just about finished this year's duties as Father Christmas' PA (pfff, that guy!). Time to take a break from the busy perfume empire also. 'Shizzle' is falling off the shelves and we have a massive 3 followers on YouTube!!! Monsieur and I are glad to have both had our Covid boosters. The kids are just a little excited. I am very much looking forward to putting my feet up tonight with a tipple, and eating the big guy's mince pie. 

 Here are some seasonal pictures taken on this week's walks:

Trelissick Garden (National Trust) and Falmouth Town -

Above: Abutilon megapotamicum

Bellow: Fairy lights and Pyracantha atalantiodes by the kazzies.

Gnarly Rosemary in old chimney pot -

Beautiful winter  roses -

Wisteria doorway -

Wooded walk down towards the King Harry ferry -

First Rhododedrons out -

Lovely bracts on felled tree trunk -

Making fairy wands -


I found a better photo especially for Ivana in Croatia /Bosnia, who wanted to know what the fairy wand was made from: lichen encrusted twig and rhododendron flower - 

Now onto Falmouth Town, where all is quieter than it would normally be.

The infamous grumpy ship's figurehead by The Wheelhouse Crab and Oyster Bar 

(I wouldn't like to knock her pint over) -

High tide defenses and cannon -

A secret door in an upturned boat leads to the bar's garden -

The Cornish Bank is a relatively new quirky gig venue (I need to take the girls here to show them what proper music is!!! not all this pop tosh). King Charles Martyr Church in the background.

One of the tucked away alleys off the high street -

One Christmas my brother and I were making a fuss of a cute curly haired dog in the Chain Locker pub. Its gentlemanly owner, impeccably dressed in a mustard tweedy suit, was reading a broadsheet newspaper . We got chatting with him and part way through the conversation we realized it was Derek Jacobi! My brother and I didn't say anything to each other about this until afterwards.

Above: The Chainlocker 
Bellow: A charity shop with a view and a half, looking over to Flushing.


 Above : Pho Bar, Vietnamese noodle bar

Bellow: This bric-a-brac antique shop  I've only seen open once, over ten years ago. 

The welcoming door of Dolly's vintage tea room -

And finally, a dusk time shot of Falmouth Docks, looking back up towards Long Mizzle Garden-

Peace and chocolate to you.
Hope you have a lovely one,

Lulu xXx

Thank you for visiting!

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  1. Hi Lulu, Festive greetings to you! Loved the photos from your walks. I find these shops that rarely open bizarre...I wonder if they are a cover for something else entirely? The ship's figurehead reminded me of my younger years down south. There was a big house on the outskirts of a nearby village, bordered by a fairly high hedge and a ship's figurehead peering over the top. It was quite a shock as you rounded the bend approaching it! I later found out it belonged to Mrs Liberty. Great Derek Jacobi story. He sounds like an unassuming sort. I'm going through a similar music related experience with our son. He's discovered vinyl and has made two purchases - one is Led Zeppelin (not so bad) and the other is a hip hop artist I am far from convinced about. Caleb keeps playing me snippets, which invariably I hate and then accuses me of being "narrow minded." Yes, I've reached that age apparently! xxx

    1. Thank you Claire, Captain Xmas to you! Hmmm, I'm thinking the never-open-shop may be a gambling den (?). It certainly does not have money laundering credentials. Love the sound of a ships figurehead peering over a hedge. Mrs Liberty ??? Your son's vinyl is a good start. Surely the more disapproving the parent, the cooler the music becomes ;) That's why my girls like crap Disney princess tosh! I have been playing Sharon Van Etten's 'Seventeen' loudly at them as an antidote. Lulu xXx

    2. Haha! Good plan on the music front - fight fire with fire! Mrs Liberty as in the department store. xxx

  2. Dear Lulu
    I loved the wisteria doorway - it just makes me want to explore. Great photos of what looks like an amazingly interesting and quirky place. Derek Jacobi too - how exciting!
    Festive felicitations to you too (I am channelling a bit of Margot from The Good Life - and why not - 'gingerbread men in quantity hold no fear for me, Tom'...)
    Best wishes

    1. Hello Ellie, it's great when Wisteria gets that thick, old and gnarly isn't it! I didn't try the door - should have done. Derek Jacobi was lovely, one of those bygone era gents...but his dog stole the show really. Happy Margot channeling to you Ellie (hope you have the headscarf on). Lulu xXx

  3. Merry Christmas pet. Have a wonderful time with your family and then get on with that range of perfumes.. :-)

    1. Thanks Cherie m' rum pudding. Captain Xmas to you. There's no rest for the wicked..... Lulu xXx

  4. Three followers on YouTube! Fame and fortune await.
    Great to hear you an Monsieur are all boostered up. Jos has had his earlier this month, but I'm only scheduled for Jan. 4th. Oh well.
    I loved joining you on your walk around Trelissick garden and Falmouth town. Aren't those ship's figureheads fantastic? I agree this one is looking particularly grumpy :-)
    How amazing to make the acquaintance with Derek Jacobi and his dog! We've got some of these rarely open shops too, how weird.
    Peace and chocolate to you too. And mince pies! xxx

    1. Yes, the YouTube fame has completely gone to my head Ann. Next I'll be saying 'hey you guys' and wearing T-shirts that say 'subscribe' . Monsieur had his booster on Wednesday (I had a head start on the Sunday before) and he luckily managed to perk up just in time for Christmas day. I'd love to have a ship's figurehead in the garden, grumpy or not. Derek Jacobi was lovely but his dog got all the attention ;) Happy pies to you, Lulu xXx

  5. Peace and chocolate to you and yours - see you on the other side xx

    1. Thanks Kate, the peace and chocolate arrived! Hope you had a good one. Lulu xXx

  6. thank you for taking us with you on your botanical and picturesque town walk! :-D
    i´m impressed by all the big tropical plants growing outdoors - here we only can have them as small house plants....... or in huge wooden pots and with the help of an heated orangery for the winter - like the ones once belonging to the long dead king.
    yessss - peace and chocolate! for all please - actually the theobromine in the chocolate brings a human person at peace automatically :-D
    (but it has to be "real", dark chocolate - not that stuff that contains mostly sugar and cheap fat - that makes the people only more agressive)
    much love! xxxxx

    1. Thank you Beate, you're most welcome. The sub tropical plants are great, but we never get the winter wonderland feeling. Oh dear, I have been gifted a box of 42 Ferrero Rochers... again. I can see I'm going to get supremely racked off if I start eating them! I'll look like an angsty Jabba the Hut again, just like last Christmas :0 Lulu xXx

    2. like jabba? poor lass!! <3 xxx

  7. Happy Christmas - make many memories. Love the photos.

    1. Thank you Mike :) Merry Christmas to you. Lulu xXx

  8. Boxing Day greetings, that's some tour of Falmouth: I would go to the Vietnamese noodle bar - very enterprising person that thought that one up, also the never open bric-a-brac shop is indeed weird. What better way to spend time than making fairy wands, which reminds me mine needs dusting off. The wisteria doorway is rather lovely, and I bet if it gets snowed on looks totally narnia, I would put fairly lights all over it all year round. Think it's time to patent the perfume.

    1. Hello Betty love, ooh yes, I have my eye on that noodle bar! It was lovely to see the Rododendrons out - perfect wand making material. Very rare to get snow in these parts, but yes, wouldn't that be magical. Good idea on the patent! They would definitely ask about that on Dragons' Den! Hope you had a lovely Chrimbo. Lulu xXx

  9. Thank you for the lovely tour through your local town. Love all the independent shops, our local town is full of them too, I do love them.

    My children have introduced me to some great music and they love to listen to mine too, seems I have faired well on those stakes!

    Love the Derek Jacobi story, I served Darcy Bussell with afternoon tea when she came into the hotel I was working in at the time. I did not realise it was her until a colleague told me. Years later I I was reading a magazine in a dentist surgery waiting for an appointment and I came across an article about a professional photographer who had a son with autism. I recognised the photographer and his son as regulars in the hotel at weekends, I guess that Darcy was doing a photo shoot with him as he was with her for afternoon tea. Perhaps it is better that we don't know/realise as we can be ourselves then which I am sure they would much prefer?

    Hope you and yours have all had a wonderful Christmas xx

    1. Hello luverly! You have fared well on the music front. Oh I love Darcey Bussell! I bet she's great fun. I completely agree - much better not to realise who they are, then a proper conversation can be had. I've met people through work over the years - had a good giggle with Steve Backshall before seeing him presenting on my daughter's CBBC programme the next day. Also had a lovely natter with a gentlemanly chap whom I completely fell in love with - my boss told me afterwards it was the novelist John Le Carre !!! Hope you had a great Christmas too. Lulu xXx

  10. What exactly is that fairy wand? Beautiful photographs. You show us charming places. That wisteria doorway looks like something out of books. The vintage tea shop looks very inviting indeed! That antique shop is so lovely.
    Happy holidays!

    1. Hello Ivana, happy holidays to you too! If you scroll back up, I have just added a better picture of the 'fairy wand' - a lichen encrusted twig with rhododendron flower threaded onto the top ;) I do fancy a cup of tea in Dolly's - haven't been for some time. Shame the vintage bric-a-brac shop is never open :0 Lulu xXx

    2. Thank you for the better photograph, I do like this floral wand, it's adorable...:)

  11. Merry Christmas to you and all your family. Xx

  12. What a lovely wander through your photos, much enjoyed as I'm feeling very locked in due to folks I love and normally see having Covid, colds and even chicken pox! I'd love to be walking down through the woods to catch the King Harry ferry.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the virtual walk :) What a shame about the covid, colds and chicken pox. I have a touch of cabin fever as it has been pelting it down with high winds :0 Need to pop over and see what you've been up to .... Lulu xXx

  13. Merry Twixtmas, Lulu! We used to have one of those shops that never opened round the corner from us, we used to stand with our noses pressed up against the windows like Victorian urchins outside a pie shop drooling over anatomical dummies and old enamel signs advertising massive pants.
    Falmouth looks ace, loving the expression on Mrs Grumpy's face! xxx

    1. Merry Twixtmas indeed Vix, thank you! Haha, 'Victorian urchins outside a pie shop' :) Anatomical dummies!!! How dare that shop never opened! I saw an old interview with Kurt Cobain of Nirvana recently. He said the best thing about suddenly having money was being able to buy anatomical models for his collection - but he still was happiest trawling through thrift shops. Lulu xXx

  14. Swooning over that beautiful fungi!!!! Did you watch Doctor Who Flux and notice that Swarm's shirt was based on that fungus? I clocked that instantly and the designer confirmed it yesterday on Insta!
    What are kazzies? Just a Kezzie asking...
    Well done for Santa PAing! You deserve a lovely rest!!xxx

    1. Swarm is a bit of a looker isn't he?! Haven't watched Flux yet, but I recognise him from the trailers! Kazzie is a mis-spelling of Khazi (or Karzie)- outdoor toilets - cockney origin apparently. Don't worry though, my shortened name is toilet slang related too ;) Lulu xXx

  15. Wonderful post as ever Lulu.
    I hope you had a lovely time.
    Happy New Year. x

  16. Am I right in thinking Monsieur once had a similar encouter with Brian May?

    1. He did Martin... they talked about Badgers! xXx

  17. Lovely pictures of interesting things. I liked those bracts on the tree. Nature's way of making a perfect design.

    1. Thank you Haddock! Yes Mother Nature is the perfect architect xXx


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