Cartel cacti

 Hello m' sparkly spiky crystals,

Long Mizzle 07-08-21

Do you remember those mixed cacti seed I sowed all the way back in March here ? And the punt I took on that ginger tuber from Wilkos? (Vix, is mine as big as yours?)  Well I thought it was about time for an update.... Rain, rain, rain, that's all we've had in recent days. Jacked up on coffee and cabin fever, I took myself off to the greenhouse for some pot therapy. I don't think I've shown you my Happy Potter for a while now -

The 'De Cayenne' chilli peppers, grown from seed, have just started to flower. The ones on the top shelf are unfortunately a bit sun scorched. Just goes to show they like it hot, but not too hot! Tucked behind them is the edible Ginger plant and a couple of Cape Gooseberries (those weird orange, paper husked fruits as seen served by Masterchef's most pretentious contestants).

The sole cherry tomato plant has been producing lovely sweet fruits for one month now. 

'Moneymaker' I'm not as impressed with, and I'm still waiting for the Plum Tomatoes to ripen.

The aluminum tray from Shiver Me Timber reclamation yard has taken top position. 

It is perfect for catching compost whilst undertaking serious potting duties!

Onto today's important job (other than those listed in the Weekly Schedule blackboard) .... potting up the little cacti seedlings that have sprung up in the recycled Rodders Clotted Cream container.  I gently scooped them out and replanted them in individual pots, using free draining sandy compost and a mystery, crystal white topping.

Maybe one day they'll be as big and strong as Hank (cactus left) and Saul (cactus right).

With no latin names for the cacti mix at hand, they've all been named after the Cartel villains in Breaking bad and Better Call Saul.

Job done. The Salamancas are dominating for now, but we shall see...

(Ol' Glass Eyed Mumrah, if you're reading this, I cannot change my spelling mistakes on the chalk board or lolly pop labels... the digital moment has been and gone!!!)

When they get a bit bigger, I'll try to work out their proper names. 

They may even be able to join their succulent cousins outside next summer...

Here's a video of my spiky potting endeavors -


Hope you are having a fab week. 

Please send gossip.

Lulu xXx

Thank you for visiting!

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  1. hello Mrs Prickly Pear you certainly have some spiky stuff going on in your greenhouse, if I didn't know better would think you are concocting crystal meths lab with that secret white stuff in the lab/greenhouse - it certainly looks like a scene from Harry Potter and I wouldn't be surprised to see triffids walking around in there.

    1. Thanks Betty, working on the triffids! Neville Longbottom's a good friend of mine :)
      Lulu xXx

  2. Looking great! I've been enjoying a few plum tomatoes this week. I just need a bit more sunny weather to help ripen the rest. X

    1. Hello Jules, well done on the plum tomatoes. Watch mine all go and ripen at once now, and then I'll be forced to cook something :0 Lulu xXx

  3. Hi Lulu, I love that your “greenhouse” (great cover for a crystal meth operation) has the look of an artist’s studio with all your bits and pieces. I especially like the little driftwood boat - that’s how I see it anyway. Brilliant idea to name your cacti after Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul drugs cartel members. You are a natural presenter I believe. I enjoyed the chorus of seagulls in the background too and the sunlight filtering through towards the end. Send some our way, will you? xxx

    1. Thanks Claire :) It is the only space in the house / garden I have to myself! Yes, that driftwood does look like a boat now you say it. I just need to create a desertscape now, complete with miniature RV van. Sending you squawking seagulls and beams of Cornish sunlight. Lulu xXx

  4. Hello, loved the video and especially the cacti as they brought back some memories. My son, when young and living at home, had cacti and succulents on most surfaces in his bedroom. Happy days!
    Hope you have a successful week ahead, I'm sure you will as you seem to be so well organised. Take care.

    1. Hello Mike, how lovely that you son collected and grew cacti and succulents! I wonder if he still does? Thank you, I will make a side note on the chalkboard, reminding me to have a successful week ;) Lulu xXx

  5. Great fun names, Lulu. I hope the cacti will grow up big and strong for you!
    Happy gardening!
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie :) They are sure to be badass with names like that. Happy gardening to you too. Lulu xXx

  6. I'm glad you mentioned your cacti seedlings and how long ago you'd sown them, I sowed some lithops and sedum seeds about a month ago and nothing!! fingers crossed that I too will have a mean breaking bad crew to name soon :)

    1. Hello Kate, I got a bit confused as to when I actually sowed them (doh, should have put the date on the pot) ... think it was more like February. Yes, very slow growing. Best of luck with your lithops (love them funny horse hoof looking things!!!) and sedums. Please be sure to share your endeavours on your blog. Lulu xXx

  7. There is one cacti (or succulent?) I recognize here. My granny gave it to me, I don't know the name of it, I'm terrible with names for plants. Your cacti seedlings seem to be on their way to becoming super fun cacti with super cool name. I love how you named them after the Breaking Bad villains. :)

    1. Oh how lovely Ivana! What's important is not the name, its that your granny gave it to you and you love it and take care of it. Yes, think I'm getting a little too excited about the final series of Better Call Saul that is currently being filmed. Undoubtedly some of my favourite characters will be bumped off :0 Lulu xXx

  8. I'm probably the only person in the world never to have seen Breaking Bad!
    I love your greenhouse and the weekly chalkboard is hilarious. I'm wildly envious of your toms - mine are still very grren and titchy.
    I think you're ahead in the ginger stakes, too - I'll be drawing my pension by the time it's full-sized at the rate!
    Claire's right, you are a natural presenter.

    1. Well you're not missing out on the main character's tighty whities Vix ! Haha, think it'll be a while 'till I get my ginger cake :0 Fun to try it though eh. The chalkboard has been very helpful ;) Thanks, how kind, I'm a natural natterer (lacking presenter gloss and enunciation / diction :0 ). Lulu xXx

  9. please can i come and visit you in your potting lab??
    totally enjoyed the video!!!!
    the little cacti will grow fast and bold with all the love they get from you. have a week spot for cacti, my grandad showed me the art of growing them when i was little - later i forgot about.... but since a few years a quartette of nice round ones is joyning me at BWH - and goes rounder and rounder :-D
    here i´m totally knackered from canning the homegrown veggies for 2 days in a row........
    happy potting! xxxxx

    ps: had the spam too this morning. stupid crap.

    1. Of course you can come over to the potting lab Beate! Brilliant that your grandad showed you the art of cactus growing and that you now have them at BWH :) Well done on the marathon veggie canning. You must have a well stocked larder m' dear. Lulu xXx (thank you, nuisance spam has been flagged :0 )

  10. Your plum tomatoes look very much like the ones I am growing from a shop bought baby plum tomato. No one told them they are supposed to be small though cos they are getting bigger by the day.Just wish they'd hurry up and ripen

    1. Lucky you Cherie! Mine are stubbornly staying quite compact. Still no sign of ripening one week on from writing this post, and we have had some sun between the showers :0 :0 :0 I'm coming over to have a look to see how it is properly done .... Lulu xXx

  11. Love the names for the cacti! I've not seen Breaking Bad though. Excellent potting tray. Oh I so long for a greenhouse!

    1. Thanks Kezzie :) All you need know is that those characters are BAD ASS ! I'm was really chuffed when I found that aluminum tray from Shiver Me Timbers reclamation yard. Lulu xXx


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