A little hello video from Long Mizzle

Hello m' sunnies,

Long Mizzle 18-06-21

Well I wasn't going to do a post this week, but the weekends don't quite feel right without a little blogging. So here's my first venture in to making a wee garden video: one take - no posh kit, retakes or editing allowed. That eats into revision time, plus more importantly, tea drinking and biscuit dunking time. I just wanted to show you the Sweet Williams, 'Crystal Lemon' cucumbers and Dahlia bed.


I meant to say in the video that the little pot was for collecting white beach pebbles tangled up in the seaweed. Also that 'Love Lies Bleeding' (Amaranthus caudatus) is an annual flower, adored by some florists and it has velvety, deep red, long tasseled flowers, hence its very dramatic name.


            Above: 'Love Lies Bleeding' and Tagetes being planted out


Above: Frida's  Dahlia bed 
Below: 'Hadrian's Midnight'


In between bashing my daft bonce with revision notes and pacing round the house reciting latin out loud, I will be catching up with a bit of blog reading this weekend. This, along with an ice cold Bucks Piss will be a welcome break.

I hope you are having a wonderful week.

Please do say hello if you have stopped by.

Lulu xXx

Thank you for visiting!

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  1. That's a lovely little video and what a pretty garden you have. Have you grown the crystal lemons before? I was tempted to try them but the White Wonder won this year...maybe next year. I'm chavving it this weekend now that I know Lambrini is zero carbs.... hic burp giggle... :-)

    1. Thank you Cherie :) Yes, I used to grow Crystral Lemons on my patio and my then toddler (now ten year old) would call it her 'snack tree' - as she was allowed to pick them off, wash and eat them all by herself. They were super sweet and delicious. The 'Burpless cucumbers I have found to be a bit bitter and rough skinned in comparison (even with male flowers picked off). It will be interesting to see how your 'White Wonders' fare... never seen those ones! Well, what a great excuse to Chavzambirini it :) Lulu xXx

  2. how superb to get dahlias growing they don't like growing for me ... I like the idea of a video - it looks like you stole half your neighbours garden there - yours is massive! I couldn't have steps like yours though - I am so accident prone it's unbelievable. I think the best thing about your garden is the way you have layered it so it's like a wonderland walk of new things to discover - it's luverly. It's interesting how you cloche your plants with glasses, sort of like you finished the g&t and saved on the walk back with the washing up? hope you know I'm only joking :)

    1. Hello Betty ! The garden is a funny shape because the house got split into two properties before we moved in. I have my eye on another neighbour's wilderness patch for growing pumpkins ! It is the garden which basically sold the house to us and we loved the hidden bit at the bottom. That said, it was all hugely overgrown and unruly. We had to strip it right back before we could re-create the hidden garden effect again. How did you work out that those glasses are old G&T vessels !!! I thought my secret was safe, with the evidence cleverly disguised! ;) Have a fab weekend. Lulu xXx

  3. Dear Lulu
    It was lovely to see your garden - it is beautiful. A great idea to use the buddleia prunings as supports too - I shall try to remember that next year. I have planted some dahlias grown by my sister in law as mine were completely massacred by the slugs and snails. I still have a couple of cosmos plants to pot up. I look forward to seeing your dahlia bed once the other plants are in flower.
    Hope the revision goes well.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks Ellie :) The buddleja seems a bit more brittle than other woods, but it'll hopefully do the job for the summer at least. Everything gets repurposed here (= less skip runs and the saved fuel money goes towards Bucks Piss). How rude of those molluscs to massacre your dahlias!!! Good job your sister has back ups. Have fun with the cosmos. I'll be over later to peep at your roses... Lulu xXx

  4. Hi Lulu, Brilliant video and presenting skills - have you sent it to Gardeners’ World? You really should. Your garden already looks beautiful but it’s going to be a riot of colour in a month’s time. Keep at it with the revision. I remember having to memorise the odd bit of Latin for my law exams back in the day, but nothing compared to your studies. xxx

    1. Thank you Claire, I am warming up to doing a Gardeners World one, as they like a theme don't they, plus specific shots... oh, and no accidental product placement :0 I might even get Monsieur to film it - which will probably lead to much mickey taking and fits of silly giggles :) (p.s. Monsieur does a great Adam Frost impression) Now your law exams sound much more involved than my horticulture ones! Thank you, I will keep plugging away. Lulu xXx

  5. Hello, Lulu! I loved your video - Jon and I have just watched it together and Frank was rather alarmed by the sound of you scrunching up the seaweed! How exciting that your dahlias are out already and so pretty, too. We forgot to grow lemon cucumbers this year, they were amazing last year. Love the idea of them lit up with fairy lights.
    Get that video off to Gardeners' World! xxx

    1. Thank you Vix and sorry for startling poor Frank! That fuels my theory that moggies are suspicious of seaweed and thus dislike it in every possible way. More Hadrian's Midnight dahlias have popped out since filming that last Friday. I can't wait for the other dahlias, plus the lemon cucumbers (I hope they are as delicious as I remember them being). I wish you lived round the corner as I have a spare one or two. Lulu xXx

  6. love lies bleeding is called "fox tail - fuchsschwanz" here - it will look fantastic as a backdrop for the dahlias! speaking of - my dahlias has sprung - looks like they survived the dividing i did this spring.
    love that you not fear strong colors in your garden. wonderful sights in the video.....
    wish you a successful weekend! xxxxx

    1. Thank you Beate :) I love the word 'fuchsschwanz' (attempted in my terrible German accent) (I might have to get my German work colleague to correct my pronunciation...). Well done on the dahlia divisions. A couple of my tubers are just sat there still not doing anything :0 I may have to give them a talking to. Happy gardening, Lulu xXx

  7. Hello, what a delightful video, Lulu, beautifully presented. Your garden is so interesting with it's different facets. Good to see the dahlia in flower - mine are still growing. Sweet Williams always look special. I reckon there there will be more videos to follow! Have a great week ~ Mike.

    1. Thank you Mike, very kind of you. I had to set up a posh YouTube channel to share that (luckily very quick to do) as it was over the data quota for Blogger uploads :0 I look forward to you hopefully sharing your dahlias on your blog when they come into flower. Lulu xXx


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